20: Father

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at least comment bro or imma dip again 😍

Being in love was painful.

It was painful how Louis' heart ached each time his eyes fell on the curve of Harry's lips when he smiled or the manner his stomach dropped whenever the omega told him he loved Louis too. It was painful to be so in love. And Louis was in love with that pain.

He saw the onyx of Harry's gown hug the curve of his waist and cascade down his endless legs as the omega tended to his hair, brushing through the vision that his curls were before his hands reached for a delicate string of pearls and wrapped it around his neck. Louis had just finished tying the laces of his breeches after the two of them had spent an hour in the bath, making love languidly until Harry broke their serenity and reminded Louis that they were due a visit to the King, unfortunately.

"Someday I wish to paint you."

"With your cock?" Harry jested, picking up a brooch from his jewellery chest and turning towards Louis before pinning the emerald beetle to his coat. Louis merely rolled his eyes, allowing the omega to pull him closer by the collar and place his lips on Louis' for a leisurely kiss. "I would like that quite a lot, darling."

"Aren't you a romantic?" He got a light swat on the meat of his thigh in response before Harry was turning around to stain his lips rouge. "Why can't I merely keep to myself in my chambers and fuck you here all day long? Why must we meet that old hag?"

"Because," Harry breathed, turning around again before he began the work of fixing Louis' attire. Although Louis believed his appearance was quite refined, to begin with. "That old hag is your lord father and the King of the Four Kingdoms."

"I'd rather be fathered by a stable hand than this fool."

"And how do you, husband dearest, presume we would have met then?"

Louis' pulled the omega closer to him by his waist as Harry continued arranging Louis' hair, elegant fingers painting his auburn feathers into something of decency. As Harry neared him, eyes cast on Louis' hair and neck stretched to give Louis a glimpse of ivory, Louis could not help himself from kissing the omega's adorned neck before giving his mark a lick, heart swelling with the warmth of love.

Harry whimpered before he pulled a strand of Louis' hair to warn him. "Stop this instant, you filthy thing, I have spent a dear hour getting dressed and I shall not have it ruined because of your knot."

"I was merely showing my affection. Your cunt requires a bit of rest too, precious. And as for your question, I know we would have met in some manner or the other for I know I was put in this world merely to love you."

"Such sweet words rolling off a tongue so sinister." When Harry attempted to pull away with a smile radiating fondness, Louis locked his arms around his mate and placed a kiss on the defined structure of his jaw, nose tingling with his nectarous scent. "Lou," whispered the omega, eyes cast on Louis' chest. "we must leave for the dining hall."

"Damned be that old swine," cursing, Louis exhaled deeply before he let go of Harry and smoothened his coat. Breathing out, he looked up at his mate. "But perhaps we shall somehow attempt to be civil. Be done with it and never step foot here."

"I would quite enjoy being back home if truth be told. However," Harry paused for a moment and Louis followed the twist of his features. Harry searched for words before his eyes rested on Louis', and he breathed out. "Do not argue with him even though you are aware he is wrong."

"Are you speaking these words to me?"

"Do I have your trust?" Perhaps some other day Louis would have humoured his bride, and mocked such a question with a taunting laugh, but the storm that rose behind the malachites was enough a warning for him to swallow a dry gulp and nod. "Trust me, then."

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