14: Timmy

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Little filler for the new year mood.

"My Prince, my Prince, Louis!"

Louis could not help the grin that spread on his face as he watched the zealously bouncing omega point towards the bunch of flowers he had been searching vehemently for the entirety of their stroll. "Ah, here I was wondering if they were even real," Louis teased, nearing the cherubic little thing as Harry huffed, crouching down. Louis' instincts worked faster than his thinking, and before a blink of his eye, he was pulling Harry towards him and stepping forward, assessing the ground. "Must I remind you to be mindful when present in a forest, precious?"

"I was merely admiring the Camellias, you needn't be such a knothead." Had Louis mentioned how clean a mouth Harry had acquired as he neared his fourteenth nameday? The omega might appear to be a seraph's epitome but the omega was a fiend's shadow in reality. The lords might accuse Louis of being a disorderly, adolescent alpha and roaming about a forest with an omega barely of age but none would ever dare to allow the thought that it was Harry who had weaved such a scandalous plan to escape the castle during the ungodly hours of the night. 

"And how do you fear I am to answer to your lady mother when you are bitten by a snake? Or heaven forbid, you catch sight of a spider and demand to make it yours."

"But spiders are admirable creatures, my Prince. Beauty mustn't be caged in concepts." Louis sighed, pulling his lamp closer before he plucked a few flowers for Harry and stood up, taking the smaller boy's hand in his. The forest was eerily soundless save the sliver of crickets that chirped away in the darkness that surrounded them. The trees were too grand to allow the shine of the Goddess past their stubborn shed, leaving their lamp to be a luxury as they traced back the path they had been walking on for the past hour.

"You have been reading too many of those books, I fear. Look at you speaking like a romantic." Louis could envision the rouge on Harry's cheek even in the dim of the light as the omega stepped closer to him and pressed himself against Louis' frame. He was warm and smelt like a fresh romance that was inevitable to bloom in the forthcoming years.

"Merely 'cause you are here," mumbled the young omega, peering up at Louis. "Have you romanced any of the omegas at the capital, my Prince?" Louis could smell how covetous the omega was being, his fingers curling around Louis' wrist as though his property. Louis had not been romancing anyone although he had bedded his first omega last summer and had quite a handful entertaining him when he felt the need. However, none amounted to a pinch of what Harry was to him.

Though, Louis found hilarity in aggravating the poor omega.

"There has been one. I fear I quite like her."

And Harry growled.

He growled unabashedly before he stepped on Louis' boot as though unwittingly. Louis suppressed his urge to bark out a laugh, knowing how sentimental omegas coming of age could be. They were also predicted to be quite territorial, and if Harry's response was to be noted, he was nearing his first heat soon.

"I am jesting, my beloved, I do not have eyes for anyone." Some words were left unsaid but Louis knew he would rather speak them when Harry was of age. Although the omega had matured physically, his mind was still untainted, and Louis did not wish to be the one to dishonour him. He had weaved their courtship in his mind, placed every element properly, and he was dearly awaiting Harry's sixteenth nameday.

Two summers were all he required now. Thirty and seven hundred moons.

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