9: Thump

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"—Your Royal Highness?"

Louis eyes flickered open as he exhaled, a dim pound thrumming inside his head as he felt the eyes of the councilmen on him, the hour late and the sky beholding the moon.

He is not quite certain what the subject matter of the conversation was, having rested his eyes for a moment too long. His Lord of Finances, Lord Greykrow, gave him an awaiting look, his sagged cheeks and unhandsome nose resonating against the dancing glow of the candle, wax spilling down the table akin to the tears of a widow.

"I fear his Royal Highness wishes to retire to his duchess now," Sir Lionel spoke crisply, gaining the eyes of the seating. "We shall discuss your concerns in the coming days, Lord Greykrow."

"Is there anything thing of dire importance?" Louis asked, his palms gripping the arms of the chair, eager to disperse. None of the men raised a concern, their ancient faces seeming moments away from disintegrating. "Good eve, then."

Louis walked briskly as his steps echoed throughout the hallway. He knew he was not taking the route to his chambers, knowing well that Harry prefered Louis' chamber to his own when it came to the balcony and ought to be there, perhaps stargazing or attempting to learn a spell to hex Louis.

"Aren't you going to rest, my prince?" The abyssal sound of Sir Lionel's voice mixed with his steps as his cumbersome armour clinked. "Forgive me, but you've grown pale through the fortnight."

Louis laughed half-heartedly, shaking his head. "Marriage, Sir Raynfyre, is a taxing commitment."

"Oh, here I thought it would be easier for the two of you considering your past," the knight breathed out a laugh as they turned towards the chambers, clutters of maids and the buzz of a household displaying the division between the residential and the common portions of the castle. "But who am I to be the judge of it? Sworn to never take wives, us knights."

"I s'pose marriage reforms your bond." Louis left the knight to consider whether the reform was for the betterment or not on his own. Candles lit the unending hallway as Louis neared his chambers, heart thumping, a finger on the hilt of his sword.

Thump -- a swipe of his thumb over the sharp edge. Thump -- a swipe back to the cold gold of the hilt. Thump -- the sharp edge of the ruby. Thump -- cold gold. Thump -- ruby. Thump -- gold. Thump -- Rub-

"Dearest, why aren't you entering?"

Gulping, palpitations slowing, Louis' eyes met with Harry's, the omega greeting Sir Lionel beside him before focusing his sharp gaze on Louis again.

"G-good eve, my love," Louis faked a smile as he pulled the omega to his chest and pressed his lips to his braided hair.

"Would you like to have a cup of tea, Sir Lionel?" Always so gracious, his omega. Louis immersed himself in these moments of foolery, knowing the contrast between Harry when in solitary.

"Afraid I have been assigned the city's patrol for the night, Princess. Some other day perhaps."

"I shall pray for a comfortable patrol then." Harry smiled at the aged knight, his hand twinning with Louis', the velvet of his robe soft as it brushed against Louis' exhausted skin. "You must have supper with the Prince and I tomorrow, I will have the maids prepare a deer soup."

"You are too kind, Princess. Us knights are used to boiled roots and bread as hard as bones, dare I say you are spoiling us." Louis watched intently as they conversed, the way Harry's smile failed to falter and his eyes remained fixed.

It was true after all. Harry had taken over the kitchen to manage the meals. Often feeding the soldiers as though celebrating a win in a battle. Albeit, Louis did not mind, wishing for him to embrace the Castle like his own.

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