5: Of Kings And Cowards

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A/N: Some scenes here are for the sole purpose of depicting what relationship and parental dynamics were like back in the day and I, in no sense, encourage underage relationships or domestic violence.

1st February, 1667, Styles Estate.

Louis held onto the firm branches of the pine as he secured the bouquet of asters on his belt. He climbed the tree, careful of his foot placement until the familiar marble of Harry's balcony appeared through the branches. Grasping the edge of the railing, he lifted himself onto the firmness of the balcony, thankful of the murk of the night as he walked the silence of a cat, adrenaline pumping through his veins.

He was aware that Harry could sleep through a battle. His chambers was silent, Harry's scent filling every inch of it as Louis neared his bed, finding the young omega curled against a gigantic pillow, nothing but his curls visible. A smile found his lips, unable to look away from his precious. He gently sat down on the bed, watching as the omega squirmed before stilling again, a sigh leaving his chest.

Taking the asters in his hand, having picked them up from duchess Styles' gardens, Louis gently pushed back Harry's hair to reveal his resting face before tracing his features with the flowers. Harry's nose twitched, a faint growl leaving past his lips while Louis held in his laughter. For an eighteen year old he did find joy in vexing the younger omega.

"Why must you do this to me each year?" Harry groaned, looping his arms around Louis' middle before he rested his head on Louis' lap. Louis felt his insides flutter, placing a hand atop Harry's mess of curls.

"Happy nameday, my beloved precious." Louis whispered, combing through Harry's hair as the omega purred lowly, nuzzling against Louis belly. "Wake up, now. You will not be having me all to yourself once the sun rises."

"Oh but I do demand that as my present. You and I, together, all day." Harry, though languidly, finally sat up, pushing himself onto his knees until he crawled onto Louis' lap, embracing him. "Will you take me to the lake in the morrow? Mama won't allow me to go alone. Mathew is too occupied with archery and I'd rather not ask Beth. I have dearly missed you."

"So have I. Terribly." Louis smiled against the young omega's skin, scenting him. He was a plump little thing growing into a graceful omega in his adolescence, his cheeks rosy and full, eyes doe-like. Louis could not wait until Harry was eighteen to court him properly. "I will take you on my horse. Father, Leah and mother won't be arriving until later near sundown. You and I shall have the entire day to ourselves."

"You travelled alone?" Harry gasped, his eyes artistically widening. Louis smiled, nodding. "You did not have to, you know, I would have not been cross with you if you wished me later."

"How could I not be the first to wish you, my sweet precious? Besides, I do enjoy a ride alone to rest my nerves."

"Does the King not know you are here, Louis? I am sure he would not have let you travel alone. Heavens, will you be in trouble?" For an omega who had only seen fourteen summers, Harry was awfully concerned about everything. Louis shushed him with a finger to his lips, kissing the tip of his nose as the omega grew red.

"My father's too invested in preparation of Leah's coronation to realise I am not in the palace. They won't even take notice of my absence until they find me here." Harry had taken to combing Louis' hair while he spoke, his eyes fixed in utter concentration. Louis knew the omega was using the privilege of his nameday to fulfil his motives. "Aren't you living your nameday to the fullest? I shall have you known that I do not let anyone touch my hair."

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