10: Venom

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The venom was spreading throughout him rapidly.

Louis had already bled quite a lot, staining both his and Harry's clothes as the omega dragged his near-motionless body towards the lake. Louis had protested and fought in fact when the omega refused to leave his side and suggested he helped them out of the woods but Louis' weakening heart was opportunity enough for Harry to force Louis to comply.

"They must be nearer now," Louis gasped out, realising the venom had spread through his lung as he found it harder to breathe. "Leave me. You have hope, my precious, if you let go of me now. You ought to make it faster without my heft on you."

"Will you not speak, for heaven's sake." Harry had a worry in his lilt. Through his dimming vision, Louis could discern the lines of concern on Harry's pretty face, of his glimmering eyes as he realised how deep the gash was in Louis' chest. "We have almost made it, Lou, stay with me, please?"

"Were you n-not the one wishing death upon me m-m-mere hours a-ago?"

"I wished death upon you only when it was I who was the executioner."

Louis chuckled at that, although he deemed it came out rather like a pained whimper when Harry hastened his steps. The morrow had grown wider and the woods seemed to shift in Louis' mind, his breaths beginning to grow louder and louder until he felt the need to scream to quieten them.

But nothing came out as he began to lose sight of his love, drowning in darkness.

It was as warm as it was cold, a numbing ache throbbing in his chest as he curled his finger's around whatever portion of Harry he could grab, calling for him.

He knew if death was what awaited him in the coming hours, he must beg those who he had wrong. And who had he wronged more than the love of his life?

"Precious," Louis whispered barely, eyes shutting as he felt the first swish of air and realized they were mounted on one of the beasts. "Harry, l-listen t' me."

"Do not speak. Rest, Lou, I will have us home soon." Louis did not believe Harry at that moment. How could he? Not when he felt his heart slowing and the taste of blood on his lips as it trickled down his mouth.

He knew surviving such an amount of Serpent's Dream plunged deep in his chest meant no good.

"Forgive me," he finally begged, feeling the warm embrace of Harry's arm around him as he held Louis upright. "Forgive me for all that I h-have done, my love, I shouldn't h-h-have don--"

"No, you do not get to beg for forgiveness!" Harry growled, and Louis knew from the manner his voice wavered that the omega was crying. "You shall get better and then I must have you on your knees, begging for my forgiveness."

"I love you," Louis croaked, coughing as more blood spilt out. The horse neighed as the brisk footings of the soldiers thudded, then the screaming chaos of it all until Louis felt the weight of his exhaustion pulling him under the cloud of nothingness, going weightless

The neons gave way to a river of stars as Louis walked the weights of the clouds, his being as real as the coldness of the sun. He walked the mountain of feathers and bathed in the ocean of green that oddly reminded Louis of his precious' eyes.

The air was a silken spicy and his skin the shade of tears, mind lost in the swirls of lost memories that Louis so dearly attempted to search for in this hallucinatory wave of existence.

Who was he if not a thought in his own mind in search of the others he had seemed to have lost, searching for them like a mother its babe. He floated in the weight of the rocks that wrapped around him like a lover's embrace before they fell like tears into a goblet of brewing gold, swirls of love-hued smoke curling up.

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