21: The Throne Calls For You

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Louis growled as the scent of Harry's arousal filled the confines of the carriage.

They had merely travelled for a quarter of a day before Harry's heat began to take over the omega. Writhing and whimpering, Harry seated himself on Louis' lap as though it was the only place he knew and began a work of scenting him rigorously. "Alpha," mewled the omega, his voice a mere whisper as his fingers clutched the collar of Louis' travel shirt and pulled him closer, his needy breath warm against Louis' mouth. Louis rested his hands on the omega's wide hips, gently caressing him.

"Whatever you shall need," Louis assured him, offering his beloved a gentle smile before raising his hand to tuck a lock of Harry's hair behind his ear. "Do you wish to wait until we halt at an inn?"

"Knot me," Harry growled, painting Louis' neck with kisses.

"As you wish, darling." Smiling, Louis pulled Harry closer by his waist and pressed a searing kiss to his awaiting mouth while his fingers fumbled with the knots of Harry's gown. A carriage travelling on an uneven path was not quite the pleasant place to spend a heat together for the first time, however, to please Harry was the only thought that possessed his mind as the omega slipped deeper into his need to be bred.

When the laces of his gown began to get tangled, patience ran thin as Louis clutched the fabric and pulled on it, tearing the chiffon of his gown, giving way to miles of ivory. Harry moaned weakly as his clothes were being ripped apart, immediately spreading his legs once Louis rid him of his undergarment. He was wetter than Louis had ever seen him, his thighs glistening with his slick and his scent alluring Louis' alpha towards him.

It was known that omegas in heat were a bait for alphas to breed them, their scents would turn terribly sweet during their heats, enticing stray alphas to knot them. As Harry's scent grew deeper, Louis realised the omega's state was triggering his rut, having felt the ferocious need to mount and claim his mate. It was primal to fuck him, knowing how fertile his omega was at the moment.

Gods be damned, Louis thought as he took in the sight of his mate, his bareness akin to the moon in a poet's eye. The malachite of his eyes was eclipsed by dark necessities, his lips bitten raw from where he awaited Louis, lying on the cushioned seat of the carriage, the nubs of his breasts hardened and calling out for Louis' mouth on them.

As Louis neared him, he did not wait a moment before he was placing his mouth on Harry's wetness and tasted him. It was everything he had ever desired, only now fueled by the sweeter hints of an omega's heat and its saccharine scent. Harry mewled and his hands immediately found purpose in Louis' hair, clutching onto it with sheer desperation of having Louis' mouth there.

Time swirled into the haze of desire as Louis' rut took over his senses and all that remained were unfocused moments of him taking Harry again and again while the omega begged for more. He was now fucking into his mate deeply, with Harry's body limp underneath him and their skin painted in sweat and their release. The carriage must have halted, for there were no jolts or sounds of movement, but Louis paid no mind to it as he leaned forward and caught Harry in a kiss.

"Alpha," Harry whispered, caressing Louis' face before he gasped out a silent moan and tightened his legs around Louis' torso. Louis grunted, hiding his face in the crook of Harry's neck and licking over the fresh mark he had left earlier. "I need you to, uh, give me a pup, Alpha. I need you to -- fuck-- to knot me."

Growling, Louis began to thrust harder. Harry's cries grew louder and they were like prayers in Louis' mind, an urge for him to please the omega further, sate his desires. When he knotted Harry, his mate merely let out a whimper before he sighed and fell asleep underneath Louis. When Louis looked at him, mind ridden of his cloud of desire, he took in his mate's beauty, the rawness of his bare face, painted in tears and rouge cheeks that burned from undeniable desire, his lashes clumped with tears and locks a mess.

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