13: Ale

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There were fools and there was Louis.

He knew what he was weaving was akin to playing with fire but he was also a slave to each of Harry's desires. So here he was, atop his stallion and trotting towards his father-by-law's manor with no one but Sir Raynfyre to keep him company as the sun hid away in the mountains of the west.

Poor Harry was made to believe that Louis was merely to visit the town of Chrench in order to settle the feud regarding the supply of ale with its neighbouring town of Frensia. Louis loathed himself whenever he lied to the omega, however, he knew that if Harry's relation with his parents was to be mended, Louis had no alternative but to keep his bride in the dark.

"Should I inform Duke Styles' valet of your arrival, my Prince?" The hour was too late for any grand welcome, although Louis had not informed the old duke of his arrival at all. He shook his head and looked ahead, the tall gates of the Styles Manor shining against the arriving moon's grace.

"I intend to keep my visit private, Sir," Louis muttered as his breath steamed in the chilly air. Blaze neighed gently before he trotted along the cobbled path, lit by dying lamps and the gate guarded by guards who seemed to be deep into the world of dreams.

Reaching the dozing guards, Louis cleared his throat in the hopes that one of them might wake without much chaos. His attempt seemed futile when their snores grew louder. He attempted again, watching as one merely twisted his nose before huffing out a breath and resumed snoring.

"Wake up, you fool." The dense reverb of Sir Raynfyre's voice was enough to startle the rotund beta as he split his eyes in wide terror before they rested on both Louis and the knight.

"Your Royal Highness," the guard breathed, half asleep as he nudged his fellow guards awake. "The hour's terribly late. We apologise but we weren't informed about your arrival."

"I had not informed anyone about my visit," Louis spoke lowly, eyeing the knight on his right before his gaze fixed on the guards. "Will you be kind enough to allow me through the gates and not speak of it to any soul?" As the last word died, Sir Raynfyre held a bag of coins, jingling it as if to tempt the guards.

"Your wish is our command, my Prince," said the rotund beta, eyeing the bag like a starved prisoner. "We shall not speak of it to anyone."

Blaze huffed as they reached the doors of the manor, Louis' heart filling with the warmth of his past as his eyes fell on what used to be Harry's balcony and he recalled their rebellious youth. He had spent many nights climbing up his balcony to slip into his chambers. Many thorns had pierced his skin and many falls had been witnessed by a wide-eyed Harry.

Blinking his eyes away from the barren balcony, Louis dismounted Blaze and Sir Raynfyre mirrored his actions before they made their way towards the door. To their fortune, the guards were not sleep-hazed and greeted Louis with wide eyes.

"Call for Lord and Lady Styles this instant." Louis had no moments for pleasantries. He had come with an intention and he knew he was not going to return to his beloved without fulfilling it. He was led to the Duke's study, a place he had memorised completely, although now it lacked the one thing Louis had admired the most: Harry's portrait.

A twinge of pain bloomed in his heart but his eyes alerted when he heard the door open and footsteps nearing them. "Your Royal Highness," Lady Styles bowed, her face giving away her bewilderment and then it twisted into a shadow of venom. "What has that ill-mannered omega done now?"

"I have merely come to speak to the two of you. And I do request you to not speak ill of my bride, Lady Styles." When the older omega bowed her head in surrender, Louis focused his gaze on Harry's father, finding the Duke in deep thought. "Lord Styles," Louis greeted, offering him his hand. "I apologize for the unannounced visit but it was of great importance that I meet the two of you."

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