17: Cakes With Wild Berries

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A/N: the least you all can do is at least comment :(

Harry's scents lingered in the air while his hair tickled Louis' nostrils mischievously. The growling storm had crumbled into the soft patter of rain as the sky brightened a little and morrow broke in. Arms loosely wrapped around his beloved, Louis blinked his eyes open at last, giving in to his temptation to admire his lover. The air was tremendously frigid and the heap of quilts on them were not fruitful in keeping the omega warm as he pressed himself against Louis' warmer self as though a starved; food.

Curls veiling almost the entirety of his face, Louis could only admire the plump lips of him that puffed out soft breaths that steamed in the cold air. His heart clenched when his mind recalled all that had been bared the past night but he did not allow those thoughts to haunt him again. He knew Harry did not wish to be reminded of it, and so Louis pressed them inside of him and filled his mind with what was ahead of him.

His life.

A gentle whine left Harry's mouth before he was shifting even closer, his leg swinging over Louis' middle and his entire heft being placed atop Louis' frame as Louis found Harry laying completely on him and pressing his nose under his jaw. "You are enviably warm," he spoke in a daze, his lips pressing against Louis' skin. Louis merely smiled before he arranged the quilts again, making certain the omega was covered entirely before he wrapped his arms around his sleeping precious to secure him from falling on either side.

His breaths evened out again, and gradually Louis drifted too. He did not know how many moments he had rested for but their slumber was interrupted by a crude, strident knock. Louis stirred before he realised that he had his bride resting atop him. With a groan he opened his eyes languidly, fingertips feeling the creases of Harry's nightgown before he kissed his lover's cheek to awaken him. The omega whined as he did each morning, his nose scrunching adorably before his face relaxed and the lashes of his eyes fluttered.

"Allow me some more sleep," he mumbled albeit kissing the tip of Louis' nose in return. Louis sighed deeply as guilt corrupted him. The omega had stayed without sleep till later at night merely for Louis' sake and now Louis was about to disrupt his slumber.

"I must go, precious, however, you may rest for as long as you wish for." As though needing evidence, the person behind the door knocked again, more fiercely this time. "I'll ask for more quilts, beloved, just allow me to attend to whoever it is." Harry's response was a grumble and a kick to Louis' shin before he was sliding towards his side of the bed and off of Louis. Louis forced himself to stay awake and leave the haven that was their twined scent and move towards the door. His robe did not aid the shrill iciness of the air as he walked out of their chambers.

"You reek of that omega of yours."

"I'd slice your throat this instant if I had my dagger near me." Louis could not contain his fury when he was met with the sight of a restless Leah waiting behind the door. She seemed dressed for travels and Louis could not contain the sigh that left his chest. "Why are you disrupting my slumber?"

"Are you not biding us farewell, brother? Has the Prince forgotten his manners? Has his cunt vexed your thinking?" She mocked, circling him before her boney fingers clutched the gold of the chambers' door. Louis' hand grabbed her forearm, mindful to hurt her terribly as his grip hardened and his eyes flashed anger.

"Turn that handle and I shall shatter your skull with every stone in Dirthfall."

When Leah's piercing eyes widened and gaped at Louis, then gradually morphing into something of a cruel shadow, she merely split her lips in a venomous smirk. "That vixen told you."

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