6: Undeniable Evil

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[TW: domestic abuse]

A ghost walked in the shell of Harry's body as Louis moved alongside him, the hallway wrapped in a smirking silence and still darkness. Harry spoke no words, and neither did Louis attempt to speak to him. Both of them were asked to reach the court hall within a quarter of an hour, which they were abiding by now, the entire castle's staff dismissed to avert the whispers from spreading towards the commonality.

Louis was very well aware of how deep in wrath his father must be. He could not help but fear having to face Mathew, whose younger brother Louis had dishonoured. There were so many things that Louis could not clutch them in his thoughts, but the deepest of them all was the fact that Harry was his now. Even Harry's wordless tears did not dampen the glee of acquiring what he had desired forever.

Perhaps there was some good in Louis, but most of all he knew there was an undeniable evil in him that darkened most of his goodness.

He knew he would persuade Harry into falling in love with him posterior to their marriage, having heard the omega confess to wanting to love his husband no matter whom. Louis stitched a twist of grief and humiliation to his skin as he pushed the door open, no soul apart from their family present behind the creaking door. Harry whimpered under his breath, his body caving into itself.

The air was tense and faces furious. Louis stuck his gaze to the floor, playing the immaculate victim, standing close to his precious. No one spoke for a while but Louis was aware of their angry breaths, hostile scents shifting until a loud succession of steps found Louis along with a pair of hands clutching the collar of his shirt.

"I advised you, Tomlinson," Mathew snarled, his malachite eyes dark. Louis feared he was going to claw Louis' throat open. "This is my younger brother you have ruined!"

"Mathe--" Harry was silenced with a piercing echo of a slap. Louis eyes immediately found Harry's, filled with tears and hurt as duchess Styles stood in front of him, crimson face painted by anger. Louis growled, attempting to protect his precious only to be restrained by Mathew's unforgiving clutch.

"You filthy disgrace, I should have never allowed you to associate with him. Is this what you consider a childhood companion? I was not aware you took childhood companions to your bed, you fool." Harry did not look her in the eye, taking the words like a dagger to his heart as he held his cheek with a quivering hand, staring at the ground with his lifeless eyes. Duchess Styles was tremendously infuriated, her eyes void of sanity as she slapped Harry once again.

"I am the one at fault," Louis struggled against Mathew's hold as his voice bloomed into helplessness, unable to watch the torment thrown at Harry. "Blame me, duchess Styles," he said. "Do not anguish Harry."

"You would not have stumbled into his chambers if this harlot would not spread his legs. I did not raise an omega of such character." She spat those words as though Harry never meant an ounce to her, and Louis feared it was true. No one spoke a word as she pulled Harry by his hair, his luscious curls tangling in her harsh clutch before she was forcing him to the ground. "Do you have any sense of what you have done?! You are ruined now!"

"Mama, plea--"

"Do not call me that! You are no son of mine." Louis watched as Harry's world crumbled and a sob spilt out of him, his frail body trembling like a leaf during autumn. Then the Duchess turned towards the King, Louis' heart picking up. The King had not spoken yet, and Louis knew there was a tempest behind his silence. "We must wed them," she begged. "We must wed them right away. Your son, forgive me, has ruined Harry for anyone else, Alfred, we must wed them."

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