15: Fire

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"Why must you leave me?"

The roll of his eyes was evidence enough that Harry had meant his words, giving Louis a glimpse of how they used to be as he rose to his feet and began to flatten the creases in his frock. Louis lay there on their bed, lips aching from having been moulded with Harry's for the past hour, as he watched the love of his life walk towards his chest.

"You are too far, do come back," Louis whined albeit knowing the omega had set his mind. When Harry returned, Louis' knowledge of breathing vanished. The omega was there in a petticoat that reached his ankles, holding an untied corset to his chest and his hair was in a knot atop his head. His skin remained unmarked and alluring, softness undeniable even from how far away Louis was. And Harry inched closer.

"Do help me, dearest." He had a mischievous drip in his sultry lilt, his eyes unforgiving as they glanced at Louis from over his shoulder. His back was facing Louis, giving him a vision of the plainness of his back as though a field covered in snow on a wintery morrow. Louis gulped, realising how awfully silent it had gotten as he walked towards his awaiting bride. After moments of Louis merely staring at Harry with trembling hands, the omega huffed. "It isn't the first time you have been asked to help me. Come on, now."

"Will you hit me if I confess that I'd give you anything that you would ask for if you allow me to put my mouth on you?" Harry shuddered when Louis' breath ghosted over the back of his neck, Louis smiled when he noticed the shift in Harry's scent as he caressed his sides before resting his hands on Harry's narrow waist, kissing where his shoulder met his neck.

"We can't. We have promised the King that we will be joining him for supp— ah." The omega melted with Louis' touch as Louis' hands crept inside the hardness of the corset and ran over his ribs, settling over his supple chest, fingers tracing over the pebbles of his nipples. "Lou," he gasped, offering Louis his neck as he threw his head back, crying like an angel fallen from the heaven above. Purple bloomed on the plainness of his swan-like neck when Louis pulled away, kissing the bruise he had just painted before he grasped Harry's chest and pulled him closer, pressing his hardness against the younger's bottom.

"You were saying...." Louis husked, kissing his way down onto Harry's collarbones. The omega merely whimpered, letting go of the corset as he stood bare-chested, allowing Louis to do as he pleased. Louis realised they should have probably waited until after the supper, finished with their duties, but he had also not touched this skin for months now, had not tasted him on his tongue.

"That ancient knothead can wait," Harry panted, turning around before his mouth clashed with Louis fervently.  Louis smiled into the kiss, pulling on the omega's hair until it cascaded down and Louis gripped it. "If you do not get your mouth on me, then you have my word that I will hit you."

"As you wish." Louis was on his knees before Harry could blink again, bunching up his petticoat with haste while the omega panted, gripping Louis' hair. His thighs were plush as ever, supple flesh in ivory skin as Louis breathed in Harry's heady scent from where he was slick and needy. The omega moaned serenely when Louis' lips touched the skin of his inner thigh, marking it. Oh, how he had missed the sense of euphoria he got by being in between his beloved's legs.

"Do not tease me," the omega said in a gasp, his grip agonising on Louis' hair. Louis smirked as he neared the meat of Harry's bottom, giving in to his desire to bite into it as his hands pried him apart, feeling himself harden further at the sight of his omega wet and waiting.

"You are a haze," Louis whispered, his tongue tracing Harry's entrance as he licked his slick, grasping his flesh to steady the writhing omega. Harry's cries were like a mermaid's song, alluring and mystical that only drove Louis to pleasure his bride as he knew of nothing else.

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