3: Ardour

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"Do you play, Harry?" Louis' eyes found Harry's near the wooden frame of the piano as the omega blinked up at the King through long lashes, his goblet of wine halting mid air. His father knew very well Harry did, in fact, not play. Harry, however, smiled with the grace of a peacock, gently shaking his head.

"I am afraid I still haven't quite acquired the skill, your majesty." The low buzz of the evening flowed in as faint notes of the piano rang. To Louis' chagrin, there was Elizabeth who jumped up to her feet and offered to play for the gathering, singing along like a shrill crow. Harry, his pretty precious, sat in the corner of the hall after excusing himself, sipping his wine with glee and chatting with his elder brother, both seeming to find humour in Elizabeth's façade.

Albeit the King seemed pleased, a tad too pleased for Louis' liking.

"Aren't you enjoying watching your sister making a fool out of herself, precious?" Louis teased, slipping next to Harry before taking his hand and kissing his bejewel knuckles. Harry blushed under the sparkles of the chandeliers, shaking his head gently in denial.

"Should I be concerned that you are conversing with my little brother with such ardour, Tomlinson?" Mathew pulled the pipe away from his lips as he glanced at Louis, a smirk on his lips. Mathew was a considerably built alpha with a tall frame, eyes similar to Harry and hair the shade of hay. He was one of the better Styles.

"I have showed indifferent ardour for your dearest brother ever since infancy, lord Mathew. You need not trouble yourself with twisted thoughts." Louis smiled kindly, his hand finding Harry's, shielded by the layers of his sapphire gown. Mathew hummed, bringing the burning pipe to his lips before his gaze fixed on Elizabeth again, mockery in his low chuckle. Louis knew that of all the Styles, Mathew was the sole member who remotely paid attention to Harry's whereabouts, and although at times it came as a curse for the two of them to be with each other, Louis was glad with the thought that his precious was not neglected entirely.

Harry was staring at him, Louis could tell, his burning gaze on Louis was unavoidable. At times Louis wondered if Harry ever recalled their childhood, of the promises Louis had made to him or of the moments they shared. He had to, of course, he had to. Louis knew those moments were true and pure, that it was just as real for him as it was for Harry. Louis was not cross because Harry lay with someone else before him, heartbroken he was, but he never held Harry at fault. The true ache was that the omega never showed what he truly felt, not once did he hint at anything related to them, of their future.

Louis always feared if something unlawful had happened, if Harry had been forced against his will, but the omega repeatedly silenced him, reasoning that he was merely too isolated at that moment in his life, that he craved being wanted even if only for a night. And Louis believed him, knowing well what he was referring to. So Louis showed him the love and the care, made sure Harry never felt alone the entire summers they spent together, and when he returned to the capital during fall and Harry to his father's estate, he made sure to write to the omega, reminding him of how wonderful he was.

It was not until supper that the King approached Harry again, his steps faltering as he held a mug of ale, his skin flushed. Harry's eyes flickered from Louis to his father, abashment evident on his face. He greeted the King however, bowing his head and offering him a smile. "Are you enjoying yourself, darling?" He asked, words slurring.

"Very much so, your majesty, Louis' been keeping me company."

"Louis," the King tasted the name on his tongue as though for the first time. "You two seem awfully close, I must say. Nothing to worry about..." he laughed grotesquely. Louis felt his nerves spiking as his father stretched the conversation. He could clearly tell Harry was agitated. "So, have you been looking at the list of suitors? I hear it is a lengthy list. Must be difficult for you to choose."

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