Extra : Malachite

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The gold of the sun pierced through the grey of the dawn's clouds as morrow spread through the sky and seeped inside their chamber. Louis had been awake for hours now, plagued by worry for his mate and their unborn pup. The early hours of the night had been spent tending to a febrile Harry, whose skin was flushed with the warmth of his weakness. He whined for a good amount of the night, crying for Louis any moment the alpha left his side. It would not have perturbed Louis as gravely had Harry not been with a pup.

"Lou," breathed Harry, pressing the freezing tip of his nose against the bone of Louis' jaw, inhaling. It broke Louis' trance and he pulled the omega closer in a heartbeat. "Have you not slept a blink, my love?" Harry asked after his hazed eyes inspected Louis' face. His voice was so raw that it stabbed Louis' heart like a melody. He smiled, taking in Harry's beauty. His hair was sticking to his head having sweated the entire night, his cheeks were pale and his lips crusted, yet he was as marvellous as an old tale's enchantress.

"How could I have the luxury of sleep when you were in pain?"

"You are foolishly in love."

"And you," Louis mumbled, wishing to remain in the tranquillity of the moment. Harry blinked at him languidly, his deep, malachite eyes glimmering despite the tired shade of his skin. Louis exhaled breathlessly as he realised how deeply in love he was, feeling a warmness bloom in his chest as he pressed his lips to Harry's forehead while the omega's brows knitted together. "You, my precious, are terribly unwell. I must call for the physician."

"You need to give me your cock."

"My cock is not a toy you can demand any moment." Louis retaliated with no humour. Harry merely smirked before surging forward and biting Louis' cheek as he did religiously whenever he wished to. "Stop, you pup."

"Make love to me," he purred, now biting the skin of Louis' neck as his hand ran down Louis' torso to his crotch. Harry was a menace. Louis felt himself harden as the omega continued, his bites turning into kisses. "Do you not want me?" he whispered against Louis' mouth, his breath still carrying hints of the night before. Louis could smell Harry's arousal and feel the dampness of it as his lover climbed his lap with difficulty, his swollen belly creating a barrier between them.

"Darling, I do," Louis answered with a sigh and stopped the omega with a firm hold. He hated the manner in which Harry's eyes moistened with hurt at the subtle rejection. "However I need to ascertain that you are well... That both of you are well." Placing his hand on Harry's belly, Louis gently caressed it, feeling where their pup was. He felt Harry relax, now purring again as Louis continued with the action.

"Will you fuck me after the physician examines me?" He asked again, his eyes doe-like as he blinked at Louis.

"Certainly." If Louis were to deny those eyes, he must be declared blind first. Harry grinned deeply at that, gleefully climbing off Louis' lap. It was a terrifying contrast to see the omega in such a warm mood when Louis had clutched his crying frame in his arms mere hours ago. "Do you wish to have something? I shall request the physician."

"Strawberries in egg."

"May I beg your pardon, love?" The thought of it had Louis' belly churning. He had seen the omega devour peas dipped in honey, and dried fish with orange and cheese but this sounded atrocious. Dear heavens.

"I do not think I stuttered," Harry barked, his eyes fierce. Louis knew better than to speak again and he nodded, getting up from their bed. "And could you request some boiled peppers and cream?"

"Certainly, my queen."

"I need to-- fuck -- I need to be at the council..." Louis gasped as he moved inside his queen unforgivingly. Harry's warm wetness and tight clutch were bringing him closer to his release. He fondled with the omega's full breasts which were merely pulled out of his gown that had Harry clenching around Louis and crying out. "In half an hour."

Malachite | L. S [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now