Hey dickheads pt. 2

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"Luke- whose is that?" I asked him. It surely isn't his, I mean, he was still a virgin as far as I knew. The guys always made fun of him for it. Maybe it's Michael's? He does love to sleep around. Yeah, that would make more sense. Luke would nev-

"She's uh, she's mine." Luke said interrupting my thoughts. It's his baby? How did that even happen? I mean, I know how it happened, but why didn't he tell me?

"Yours? Your baby? What?- when?- why didn't you tell me?"

"I- I uh- I don't know."

I waited for him to say something else.

He looked everywhere but my direction as he tried looking for the words to say. "I didn't want you to be disappointed in me," he finally said.

Why would I ever be disappointed in him? Sure it's not what I expected to happen to him, but I wouldn't judge. Lord knows I've done worse then most people. "Luke, how could I ever be disappointed in you? I'm always here, I thought you knew that?" I finally told him.

"I don't know. Like, I know your always here and all that, but you always saw the best in me y'know and I didn't want to change the way you look at me."

"Luke. You could probably murder someone and I'd still see you as an innocent little puppy."

"Really? I'm sorry, Dems. Just know that once I found out, you were the first person I wanted to talk with."

"Good. I give way better advise then Michael anyway." I said jokingly. I then opened my arms for him to come and hug me. Before we let go, I said to him, "oh, don't kill anyone by the way. I might see you that way, but I don't think the cops will."

He started laughing after that.

"Hey guys Michael ate the last slice so if you wanted more there isn't any- woah. Um, am I interrupting something?"

"No, Harry. We're cool. Just glad to see my best friend." Luke said smiling. He put the baby down, seeing as she fell back asleep while me and Luke were talking. He gave Harry a pat on the shoulder as he left the room.

"Hey, wanna go talk somewhere? I need a break from those idiots." I said to Harry.

"Sure, why not." He said while smiling. I led him to Michael's room, and walked straight to sit on the bed. Not even glancing at the posters he had up or the mess that was all over the floor.

"Whose room is this?" He asked me.


"And he won't mind us being in here?"

"Doubt it. He's a pretty chill guy."

"Okay, cool."

"So uh- how's it going with Cara?" I asked him with an eyebrow raised.

"Ugh, I don't even wanna talk about it."

"Haha, that bad? Is she a pain in the ass?" He gave me a skeptical look, as if I were testing him to see if he'd bad talk her or not.

"You can say she's a pain in the ass if she is. Hell, I say she's a pain in the ass. She's so rude and judgmental, especially towards the staff. Like, for fucks sake, they're human, too."

"Yeah, tell me about it."

I leaned back and laid down, closing my eyes as I did so. I felt the mattress dip, so I'm guessing Harry did the same.

"So, enough about the she-devil. How's business?"

"It's great. I've recently come across this artist that's been posting videos on youtube and tumblr and I really think she could be something special in the industry."

"That's so cool. What kind of music does she play?"

"She plays alternative. It's very unique and it separates her from other artists, but that's why I think she can make it." I was thinking if I had come across anyone who I had seen on youtube that sounds like the person he's talking about. "You know, you're the first nonbusiness person that has actually asked me and taken an interest in my job for weeks." He said.

"Really?" I asked while turning my head to look at him. "Is that a good or bad thing?" I asked with a smile. He turned his head to face me, so we were now staring directly into each other's eyes.

"Good." He said, "Definitely, good." He turned his head to look up at the ceiling when he suddenly pulled a weird face. I was curious and looked up. Michael truly was special. Up on the ceiling was a poster of a naked woman. I busted out laughing once I saw it. Harry turned to face me again, and started to laugh as well. We both calmed down and he suddenly turned to face me again. This time with a smirk on his lips.

"What is it?" I asked him.

"She's got a pretty nice arse, don't you think?" He said, referring to the woman on the poster. I laughed and then turned to look at him with a smile on my face. His had the same. Right before I was about to open my mouth to say something, the door was opened abruptly and a confused looking Michael stood at the door with a smirk on his face.

"Oops, didn't mean to interrupt you guys just as you were about to get it on. Just throw my sheets on the floor when you're done, don't wanna sleep on those after." Michael was always a jokester.

"No-we weren't gonna-" but Harry was interrupted by a smirking Michael.

"No, no need to explain. I'm not one to judge, plus I don't blame ya. When I first met Demi, I wanted to fuck her, too." Neither of us had time to respond as Michael quickly shut the door. We then heard him yell to the rest of the boys, "Guys, I just caught Demi and her friend about to get it on in my room." The other boys had burst into laughter.

To kill the awkward silence between Harry and I, I decided to look back up to the ceiling. I then turned my head back to Harry, and this time it was my turn to smirk as I said, "Yeah, she does have a pretty nice ass."

His eyes widened, then once again, we both burst into laughter.

Sorry, this is late. Again. But finals were stressing me out and then my dog had puppies and yeah, it was pretty hectic. But I'm out of school now, so hopefully I can update more! Thank you for reading xx

(@RoseanneStoran made a better version of the cover!)

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