Advice From A Friend

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Harry's POV

"Listen, Liam. It's different this time, I swear it. No- look. I can't explain it over the phone. Yeah, yeah I'll meet you there in 10. Bye." I said, hanging up the phone once Demi came back in the room.

"What's up with you?" She asked me.

"My mate, Liam. He's uh- he's having girl trouble, wants to talk."

"Oh. Well, if you're leaving right now, tell him that all a girl really wants to hear is that she's important and even if he did nothing wrong, just apologize and show that he appreciates her."

"I will, thanks. I'll see you later." I said, pulling her in to a hug. I don't know why, but I ended up giving her a peck on the cheek. When I pulled away I noticed a confused look on her face. Instead of bringing up what I just did, I walked out. I'm already in deep, I need an outsiders point of view on this whole mess.

As a arrived to the small cafe downtown, I noticed Liam was already there.

"Hey, Styles. What's going on that's making your mind all jumbled up?" He asked me once he saw me.

"It's a girl."

"I already told you what to do and say in order to get into her pants."

"No, Liam. It's different. We have so much in common, she makes me laugh, and smile. My fucking cheeks should be hurting from all the smiling I do around her, or even think about her. I don't know man, but when I'm with her I just feel like I can be myself."

"Tell me a bit about her."

"Well, for starters, she's beautiful. She's head strong, you know. Like, her and her brother, they've been through so much shit and yet she manages to be so bright. Her older brothers practically raised her so like, she knows how to take a joke without getting offended. If I were to describe to you my dream girl she'd be it. She's smart, she's beautiful, she's extremely blunt, I'm pretty sure she has no filter, and her smile is, wow, her smile is something else. It's cliché, but just hearing her voice makes my day better."

When I looked back up at Liam, he was just giving me this look. He didn't even say anything until a while later when he simply said, "It seems like you like this girl a lot."

"I do, Liam."

"Then what's the problem? Go ask her out."

"It's not that simple. She's had a really rough past and all she really needs is a friend right now. But it's getting so hard to try and hide my feelings, even her little brother figured it out already. I don't want her to find out and have that ruin our friendship. She means too much to me."

"Well, mate. You're fucked."

That I am Liam, that I am.

Demi's POV

40 minutes earlier

Harry had come over a little while ago and we were just talking nonsense. I then told him that Jessie had finally come out to me and how happy he was that I told him I loved him just the way he was. Recently Jessie has been doing so well in school, and I mostly have Harry to thank for that. Jesse had always been good book wise, but because we were raised to solve our problems in an unhealthy way, he would always get into fights, but recently he's been doing so well.

"Seriously, Harry." I started off, reaching out and putting my hand on his, then continued, "I am so glad I met you. In such a short amount of time we've known each other I've really felt a connection. You're too good."

He kept his eyes focused on my hand on his. Since his eyebrows were bunched together, making him look like he was thinking, I came to the conclusion that he didn't want me to touch him and didn't know how to tell me politely. To save him from saying that, and making it get awkward between us, I excused myself to go amd get a bottle of water.

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