She's Really Lovely

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Demi's POV

"No, like we completely dismissed that topic. We're both acting like it never happened, which saves us from having that awkward conversation." I said, talking about the whole me walking in on Jesse thing.

"I still think you guys should talk about it." Harry said.

"Maybe you should talk to him about it. He sure as hell can't talk to his own father about it and our fucking brothers have been MIA since we first moved in to this place." I told him, moving the phone to my other ear.

"You're right, it's good that you avoided that conversation."

"That's what I thought." I said laughing.

"Well I'm about to leave my flat, be at yours in about half an hour."

"Alright. I'll be outside. Bye, Harry."

I hung up the phone and went to go and change. I put my make up on and fixed my hair. Ever since my little revelation about my crush on Harry, I've been putting more effort into my appearance. Harry too, I mean, no appearance wise, he always looks good. But his behavior, he's acted more affectionate with me. Like last week, when he cane over her brought me a rose. The other day he kissed me on my cheek, then again on my forehead. I'm probably just overthinking it all, it's probably him just being nice.

I went downstairs to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water and an apple. As I closed the refrigerator door, a voice called out my name, scaring me.

"Hello, Demetria."

"Emilio." I said spitefully. The entire time I've lived in his goddamned house I've always tried avoiding him, but unfortunately, we would sometimes meet in situations like this.

"You should be nicer to me, after all, I welcomed you into my home." And every fucking time he always manages to say some stupid shit like that.

"You and I both know that the only reason I'm in this fucking house is for Jesse."

"Yet you eat my food, use my water, sleep under my roof."

"If you want me out just say the fucking word. I've never needed anything from you, I sure as hell don't need anything now."

"No, no. Stay. I just have one favor." He said, taking the apple from my hand and taking a bite from it. "Cara told me what you did, stealing her boyfriend from her-"

"I didn't-" I said, trying to interrupt him, but it didn't work.

"Given your track record: drug addict, anorexic, attention seeker. I shouldn't be surprised you're also a whore."

My hand went up to slap him in the face, but he grabbed my wrist and squeezed it hard. "I only say this because I love you."

"How dare you. Get your fucking hands off of me. It's not my fault that all my life I've been told I wasn't shit. Your 'little girl' is the one who doesn't leave me alone. So do me a favor and leave me the fuck alone." I said, pushing his hands away from me. I left the water on the counter and ran out of that house. Lucky enough, Harry's car had just pulled up and I immediately got into it and told him to drive. He asked me what was wrong but I told him I didn't want to talk about it.

I was too busy being caught up in my own head, focusing on all of my problems that I didn't notice where we were going. I got out of the car and noticed we were in a parking lot. I asked Harry where we were, but he ignored me and kept walking. I followed him into a building and kept walking until he turned into a room.

"What the fuck, Harry?" I said, once I walked into the room. I noticed two other guys in the room as well, but I payed no attention to them. "Hello? Are you going to answer me?"

"Oh yeah, Harry. She's really lovely." One of the guys said sarcastically.

"I've had one hell of a day, let me show you just how lovely I can be." I said, adding a fake smile at the end. Harry apologized to the guy then pulled me out of the room.

"Come on. Spill. What happened?" He asked softly. Not at all upset at the fact that I've been a bitch since he picked me up.

"I can't do it anymore. Once I graduate I'm getting out of that fucking hellhole. Jess and I can get an apartment I don't know, but I just can't do it anymore."

His hands trailed down my arms and when they skimmed my wrist I flinched back in pain. I tried to hide it, but he saw my reaction. He pulled up my sleeves and asked me who did it.

"Take a wild guess." I said, rolling my eyes. He was about to leave but I pulled him back and apologized. "Look, I'm angry and I'm sorry for taking it out on you. He threw my past in my face and uh, called me a whore. Apparently Cara told him I stole her boyfriend." I told him honestly. He pulled me in for a hug and wiped the few tears that managed to escape away.

"You're a writer, right? Then write out your pain. You've had your head in your ass that you didn't even notice we're in a recording studio. This was my surprise. So, umm, surprise."

I took the time to look around the room and sure enough we were. He was right though, I'm a writer. What better way to deal with what I'm feeling. We went back in the room and he introduced me to the two guys. Their names were Louis and Toby and they were songwriters that worked with artists signed to Harry's father's label. We started writing and soon enough, they wanted me to record it in the booth so that maybe they could use it for an artist. I went in their and poured my heart out.

Skies are crying
I am watching
Catching teardrops in my hands
Only silence, as it's ending, like we never had a chance


"That was so bloody amazing, nearly made me tear up there." Louis said, once we heard the final version.

"Same here, I don't think we can give it to someone else. There's just this emotion that you used, no one can fake that. Have you ever thought of being a singer?" Said Tyler.

"Thanks, guys. Singing's my passion, but writing is everything to me. I don't see myself as an on stage kind of person." I told them. Then came Harry and put his arm around me saying how proud he was. Even as we left the studio, he kept telling me how amazing my voice is and I kept thanking him. I'm not used to having this much attention on me, it felt weird. Yet it made me feel better about myself.

Usually when we hang out, Harry would come inside and we would hang out for a bit more, but today he said he couldn't. He told me that if he came in and just so happened to run into Emilio that he wouldn't be able to stop himself from trying to kick his ass. I told him that it would be okay with me if he did, but he simply rolled his eyes, kissed my cheek, and told me good bye. Like the gentlemen he was, he waited out front until I got into the house.

The first thing I did was go and check to see if Jesse was home. He had called earlier and had asked if he could go hang out at his friends house. I knocked on the door first (don't want to repeat what happened last time.) and heard nothing. He must not be home yet. I walked into my room and saw him looking through my drawer. I cleared my throat and he turned around nervously, hiding something behind his back.

"Whatcha got there, Jess?"

"N-nothing. Was looking for my uh-brush. Was checking to see if you borrowed it." He replied. I gave him a look and he guiltily revealed a bright orange nail polish in his hand.

"You? You want to use that?" I asked him.

"I know, I'm sorry. I know it's for girls but I-"

"Orange? Really? We both know that's not your color. C'mere I'll show you where I keep the pretty ones, for future reference." I told him, which caused him to nod his head and smile. That night ended up being a brother-sister bonding time. We watched movies, ate some junk food, and painted each other's nails.

It's unedited and I'm half asleep, so I'll fix all of the errors in the AM. Please leave me some feedback! Thanks for the support. Hope you enjoyed. xx

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