He's My Brother

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Demi's POV

"Here, Demi. More flowers arrived for you."

"Are you kidding me? That's like the third one this week." I told Jesse, reaching out to smell them. Just like the last two, they smelled amazing.

"He must really like you."

I only smiled and looked down at the flowers in response. Recently, Harry has gotten a bit flirty with me and I didn't mind at all.

I finally graduate high school on Friday, (it's only Tuesday), and it's all so exciting. I know Luke and the boys will be attending, Jesse for sure, but I'm not sure about Harry. His father had sent him to France for a week to go help write a song with a band. Since he wouldn't be here the week of graduation, he had promised to send me flowers everyday leading up to the big day, and so far he has kept it. He plans to be back Friday, but he's not sure. I even called my older brothers, but only one of them answered, Jacob. He said he would try his best to make it, but I honestly doubt he will. Jordan on the other hand, I had left him a message but he hasn't bothered to call me back.

I had looked in the mirror, making sure my hair was presentable, then grabbed my bag and waited for Jesse downstairs. When he was ready we left for school.


As I walked up the street towards the place I was currently living in, I noticed someone sitting out on the curb. The closer I got there the more I recognized who that person was.

"What the fuck are you doing here, Jordan?" I asked him in an annoyed tone.

"Where's the fucking respect at? That's no way to greet your brother?"

"Well, considering you haven't spoken to me once since we've moved into this shithole, I'd say it's nonexistent."

"You're living in a house that's basically the size of a mansion, can't be much of a shithole. You even got a new sober daddy watching over you." He responded, rolling his eyes.

"Living here or in that one bedroom apartment, same thing. I swear, I fucking feel like I'm 7 years old again."

"Oh, yeah. I bet he's not even sober, he probably hits that new wife of his just like he did our mom." Sarcasm was laced in his voice.

"He may be sober, he may have money, and he may have a new family, but he's still the same exact person he was when he walked out on us. C'mon now, I thought you knew better, you really think that man has changed?"

"Is he hurting you again, Demi?" He asked, seriousness written all over his fave. He then rolled his sleeves up to his elbows and started walking towards the house. I ran in front of him and pushed him back by his shoulders.

"Don't act like you fucking care what happens to us, you haven't for the past year. Why are you even here? You don't call you don't answer my fucking texts. You know how much it fucking hurt to see Jesse like that? First, his real dad left him, then his asshole of a brother, the only father figure he ever knew, did the exact fucking thing. That was selfish of you."

"Listen- Demi."

"No, you listen. I don't care where you've been.  But don't come back here pretending that you care, get his hopes up then leave. He's been through enough as it is."

He took a fee steps back then looked me in the eyes as he said, "I honestly came here to apologize. I uh- I met this girl and she's really helped me. Made me see that all that shit I've done is wrong. I was dick, I admit it. But i'm better now. Let me take you guys out to eat, dinner's on me. Just like we used to whenever it was the little guy's birthday."

I thought about it and wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, so I agreed. I told him to come back at 4:00 since Jesse should be getting home by then. Before he left he tried to go in for a hug, but I awkwardly stuck my hand out in between us for him to shake. He looked upset by my actions but he has no right to, he can't just show up one day and expect it all to be okay.


"Are you going to tell me what the surprise is?" Jesse asked me, for like the millionth time.

"Few more minutes then you'll find out."Just as I said that, Jordan's car pulled up and he got out walking towards us. Jesse spotted him immediately and went to go and greet him. He then looked back at me and gave me the biggest smile that I haven't seen on his face in a long time. The entire ride to the restaurant he wouldn't shut up about the fact that Jordan was actually here. We got there and ordered our food.

"So what are you doing here?" Jesse started off, "Is it for Demi's graduation?"

Jordan's eyebrows went up in shock, I'm guessing he never received my messages. "Wow, congrats. I'd love to be there. Maybe you guys can meet Natalie."

"I'd love to. Then you can meet Demi's boyfriend." He said. I smacked his arm and gave him a look, but by the look on his face he knew exactly what he was doing. I cleared it up and said that he wasn't my boyfriend, but of course, Jesse had to go on and say how he sends me flowers and that we always hang out. What surprised me was his reaction though. The only thing he said was, "Jess, is he a good guy?"

Jesse answered yes and said that he's the best. "He's even my friend, so he's cool. He umm, he's been there for me. You know, cause you weren't." He awkwardly said, twirling his straw around his cup. Jordan tried to apologize but Jesse waved him off. "Don't. We've been good. Just like always, it's me and Dems against the world."

We were brought the check and Jordan offered to pay for it and we let him. When he dropped us off he walked us to the door.

"Thanks for the meal. Come around more often, bro. I miss you." Jesse told him, then went inside. It was only me and him left and there was some tension between us. He thanked me for letting him take us out and I nodded my head in response. Before he walked away I said, "Graduations on Friday, starts at 6. You already know where."

He thanked me then went in to hug me and this time I let him. Before we pulled away an annoying voice was heard walking towards us.

"Wow, Demi. First you sleep with and steal my boyfriend then you bring a different guy home. You're the definition of a slut. Maybe Harry'll come back to me once he realizes this." Cara said.

"He's my brother, moron." I simply said, not really wanting to converse with her.

"That explains it. No guy in his right mind would be with you by choice. Nice to meet you, I'm Cara. If you ever want a good time you can find me here." She said to my brother, trying to sound seductive but epically failed.

"¿Tienes que vivir con ella? Buena suerte. Se parece como un puta." //You have to live with her? Good luck. She seems like a bitch.// He said with a fake smile on his face. She smiled then walked inside the house. Once she was out of sight the both of us bursted out in laughter.

"Bye, Demi. I'll see you at your graduation." Then he left.

Hope you like it :)

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