Record Deals

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Demi's POV

I paced around the room I was in as I played the strings on my guitar. My heart beating out of my chest as I felt my nervousness increasing. When the door opened I was surprised to see a few people walking in. They introduced themselves as the live band that would be playing with me. I nervously greeted them back, unsure of how this would go. We rehearsed once with a few songs Harry and I had written., but my nerves were going wild. When Harry walked in I stopped pacing and tried to return his reassuring smile. He walked up to me and put his hands on my shoulders, telling me it was time. I nodded my head and put my guitar down to embrace him.

"I don't think I've ever been this scared in my life." I whispered into his ear.

He pulled back and placed his hands on my neck, "You're going to do great, I know it. If you get nervous, just look at me, it'll be like you're just singing to me, like you always do at home."

I placed my hands on his wrists and nodded my head. I brought his hands down and kissed the inside of one of his palms, squeezing it gently as I walked away.

Once up on the set up platform, I introduced myself then introduced the songs. I was going to perform three of them, Skyscraper, Unbroken, as well as a song that I'm pretty sure Harry wrote for me, Give Your Heart A Break.

It wasn't until the last song that my confidence semi faltered and I had to look for Harry for reassurance. I smiled as I sang the last line to him,

The day I first met you
You told me, you'd never fall in love

The claps of the crowd erupted in the room once we finished. When we got back into the room we first were in, I thanked each person in the band. My voice coming out soother since the nerves were now gone. Harry walked in and I quickly walked to him, my lips pressing against his. A few 'whoops' going around the room, causing us to pull away laughing. My brother was right behind him and immediately told me not to do that while he was in the room. I ruffled his hair and told him to shut up.

We exited the room together and a few people who still lingered congratulated me, as well as a few praises coming out of their mouths.

Harry's dad called me in alone and my nerves grew once more. He sat down behind his big desk and folded his hands in his lap. I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and waited. I stood up with my hand over my mouth as he said the words I've waited my whole life to hear.

"When can we start working on that album?"

I thanked him several times and once I exited the room I jumped at my brother. Crying into his shoulder, happy that we no longer had to live with Emilio to support us. I grabbed his face in my hands and said, "We're gonna be okay. You and me, we're gonna be okay."

We hugged once more before I pulled away and hugged Harry as well. He was the reason all of this was happening. I whispered against his ear, "Let's celebrate. Just me and you tonight."

He pulled back and nodded his head, a smile lighting up his entire face.

We were all in the car when I pounded my fists against the dashboard. "Everyone who doubted me can go fuck themselves. Especially Emilio, first thing I'm doing is getting the fuck out of that house."

Jesse's head tilted back as he laughed.

When we arrived back at our temporary home, Jesse hopped out and told us to have a good night, "Not too good though, I don't want to be an uncle any time soon."

"Ha ha. Shut up, I'll see you tomorrow." I responded.

Harry and I drove and drove, having no destination in mind. We ended up on the beach, though it was night time so it was absolutely empty. I held my shoes in my hand, him doing the same, as we walked along the shore. I bumped shoulders with him on purpose and smiled as he looked down at me.

"Look at us, being all couple like." I teased. He shook his head and looked out at the water. I walked over and stood ankle deep. He refused to do the same so I kicked some water at him, hitting him all the way up to his chest. He dropped his shoes in the sand and started to walk in my direction. Knowing exactly what he was thinking, I slowly started to back away. He noticed what I was doing and started to jog. A loud squeal left my lips as he tackled me into the water. We both stood up, soaking wet, his hair sticking to the sides of his face, mine probably doing the same. I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled his lips down to mine. He stepped forward, causing us to almost trip. I laughed loudly and suggested we go somewhere to dry up.

He bit his lip and stated that he only lived a few minutes away. We walked back to his car and I apologized several times for wetting his seats.

Once we arrived, the doorman at his apartment looked at us weirdly as he told Harry to have a good night. When we were in the elevator, our footsteps were highly noticeable against the tiled floor causing me to point it out and laugh.

He opened the door and I looked around amazed.

"How is that I've known you for so long and I've never been to your house before?" He shrugged his shoulder as he placed his keys on the coffee table. "It all looks like expensive shit, I'm afraid I might break something just by looking at it."

He ignored what I said and told me to follow him to his room so that he could give me clothes to change into. He looked through a few drawers then handed me a t shirt and some sweats. He walked back to get clothes for himself, I only turned around and pulled my shirt over my head, not at all bothered that he was only a few feet away. I unhooked my bra and left it on the floor, his words suddenly stopping as I'm assuming he turned around. I covered my breasts with my arms and glanced back at him.

He placed the clothes that were in his hands near me on the bed. He placed one of his hands on my shoulder and looked into my eyes, asking permission before continuing. I nodded my head and turned around. His hands moving my arms and going to my waist. He glanced down at my breasts quickly before his lips pressed to my neck. His lips trailed up my neck before stopping at my sweet spot, soft moans escaping my lips. He pulled back and pressed his lips to mine. The kiss starting off slow, heating up quickly as I unbuttoned his shirt, taking it off for him. I unbuckled his belt as he guided me to the bed. He walked us too far back and we both fell, a laugh emitting from both of our lips. I pushed his pants down with my hands, soon gliding them up his body before keeping them in his hair. His hands moved from near my head to the button of my jeans.

We were both only in our underwear, breathing heavily. He moved his hips into mine, feeling how hard he already was. He pulled away and looked down into my eyes. "Are you sure you want this?"

I looked into his honest eyes and nodded, "I trust you."

Thank you so much for being so patient with me. Let me know if you want the smut or not in the next chapter (i'm not so good at writing it- just a warning.) Happy holidays and I hope you enjoyed this chapter xx

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