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Demi's POV

Today was the day I graduate high school. I had just finished putting on my makeup when my phone rang, indicating I was receiving a video chat call. I answered it and there was Harry on the other end of the line. He looked handsome, as always.

"Hey, Demi. I just called to say that I'm on a layover in Arizona right now, I'm not sure if I'll make it."

I tried to hide my disappointment and said, "Oh. Well, at least you tried. That's all that matters."

Instead of touching more on the issue, he complimented me, saying I looked beautiful. "You're gonna miss it. I'm actually wearing a fucking dress right now. When does that ever happen?"

"This plane better fucking hurry up then, no way I can miss that." He replied in a joking manner. I then walked in front of the mirror and flipped the camera around so that he could see what I was wearing.

"It's nothing too fancy or anything, but I liked it." I told him. His response was, "Wow. You look amazing, honestly."

We talked a bit more before I had to finish getting my things ready. He wished me luck and that was it. I met Jesse in the kitchen and he complimented me as well. He said that he really was proud of me and to 'fuck what anyone else says.' I scolded him for his language but thanked him anyway. Unfortunately, we didn't make it out of the house fast enough, because Emilio and Cara both came into the room, both looking surprised. I grabbed my cap and gown from the counter, as well as Jesse's hand, and left out of the house. It was my day, I didn't want them to have their chance to ruin it.

Once we were standing out on the side walk, I gave Jess a look over and reached over to fix his hair. He pushed my hand away, but I pulled him in for a hug instead. "You're the only reason I even tried getting this fucking diploma."


Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

I'm nervous as hell. I'm sure it's everyone's typical thoughts they have as they're about to graduate. I was nervous, scared I might trip or stumble as I walk back to my seat. My name was called and it was like every noise made around me went silent. I smiled, and focused on not making a fool of myself. It happened and ended so quickly. I didn't really have friends during high school, so once it was over I went searching for my family. I immediately spotted Jesse and he ran to hug me, congratulating me once again. I spotted my older brother, Jordan and allowed him to hug me as well. He introduced me to his girlfriend and she looked strangely familiar, yet I couldn't place her face. I saw Luke and his daughter, Michael and Calum messing around, and Ashton came up to congratulate me. I kept looking around, but I didn't see Harry. I accepted the fact that he might not have made it and told my little brother it was time for us to take a picture together. Suddenly, I felt a pair of hands go to my waist, making me jump in surprise.

"Harry! You made it!" I told him once I turned around, immediately throwing my arms around his neck.

"I heard you were wearing a dress, couldn't miss that now could I?"

He kept his arm around me as he greeted everyone. When it came to meeting my older brother he removed his arm and shoved his hand in his pockets.

"Erm- I'm Harry. You must be Jordan. Nice to meet you."

Instead of answering him, Jordan turned to me and said, "This is Harry? The whole fucking time I was wondering who the hell the british guy talking to Jess was. Nice to meet you dude, heard a lot of great things."

We then went out to a diner to eat a celebratory dinner. There was quite a few of us and it took a while to figure out the seating arrangements, but it was fine. We finally got seated and we were obviously the loudest ones in the restaurant. Harry sat at the edge of the table and I sat next to him. Jesse sat next to me, while my other brother and his girlfriend sat across from us. Luke sat next to Jesse and Michael, Ashton, and Calum sat across from him. Harry had his arm around the back of my chair and I was holding Sydney, Luke's baby. A woman around her mid 40's came up to us and said, "I'm glad that having a baby didn't stop you from finishing your education, we need more mother's like you." She looked at Harry and continued, "You should be proud to have someone like her."

I was about to interrupt her and say that the baby wasn't mine, but her eyes were honest and I simply smiled and thanked her, Harry doing the same. When she walked away Jesse started to laugh, causing everyone to laugh as well. They all knew, except Harry, that I never wanted kids. I had a bad time growing up and I wouldn't want to bring a child into this world knowing just how bad it could get. We ordered our food and waited for it to be served. We were having mindless conversation and joking around, when two hands went to cover my eyes. I stood up and looked around, seeing my other older brother, Jacob.

"Holy shit. You're here." I told him, then accepted his hug.

"Told you I'd try my best to get here." He responded. He then looked at the baby in my arms and said, "Did you have a baby and forget to tell me?"

I walked over and gave Luke back his baby, "Here, Luke. As much as I adore her, I'd rather not have people continue to think she's mine. No babies for me."

Which caused them all to laugh again. Jesse looked a little hesitant to greet Jacob. Jacob was the oldest, therefore he wasn't around as often as Jordan was. I put my hand on his back and encouraged him to go say hello. There was some tension when Jacob said hello to Jordan and his girlfriend, but I ignored it and introduced him to my friends. When he met Harry, he too acted like a protective older brother and ended up asking him way too many questions.

At the end of the night, the boys left right away because Luke had to put Sydney to bed. I found it adorable how he named her after his home.

Now it was just Harry, Jesse, Jordan, Jacob, Melissa (Jordan's girlfriend), and I standing outside the diner.

"Look at us, when was the last time we were all in one place together." Jesse said, being the first one to speak up.

"Yeah, last time we met up was when Demi- it wasn't on good terms. Glad you're doing better Dems." Jordan said. I nodded my head then Jesse suggested we go home now. I told my two older brother's goodbye and they left without acknowledging each other. Jesse knew something was up, but I shrugged my shoulders at his confused face. We piled up into Harry's car and he drove us home. He walked us to the doorstep and Jesse was the first to say goodbye, giving us some alone time.

"Seems like we're finally alone." He said.

"Yeah, kinda sucks that it's at the end of the night. We didn't really get to talk all day. I'm glad you made it."

Since I was standing on the front doorstep we were about the same height. He pulled me in for a hug and I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"I know your life wasn't easy, I'm really proud of what you've accomplished. It was my honor to be here for you Miss. Lovato." We pulled away then he continued, "I actually have a little graduation surprise slash present for you. If you're not busy tomorrow, I could show you then?"

"Thank you, you didn't have to. If Jesse can come tomorrow, then I'm all yours." I responded with a smile. I told him goodbye then was about to go inside, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me back, kissing me on the lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck again and returned it. I smiled into the kiss then laughed, making him pull away. I opened my eyes and said, "Well it's about fucking time you made a move."

"I was trying to be a gentlemen." He said in a joking tone. I rolled my eyes then placed my lips back on his.

"You make me happy, thank you." I told him once we pulled apart again. I squeezed his hand then left him standing there, not letting him say a word.

It's way past due, buuuut it's here. Please enjoy. xx

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