Arguments & I Love You's

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"Hey Dems, Cara just came to my room and told me Emilio's here. We should get down there."

"Huh? Oh, yeah, sure. Let me grab a jacket, I don't want them to see my tattoos and judge me even worse then they already do."

"I thought you didn't care what they thought of you, of us?" My brother questioned.

"I don't. I just don't want him to give me a shitty lecture and pretend to care."

"Uhuh, I'm sure that's the reason."

As we get down the steps we didn't really know where to go or where they were at. Cara didn't want to show us around once we got here. We just decided to walk around until we heard some voices or saw someone. We ended up hearing voices first.

"Listen Brooke, these are my kids, I want you to treat them the way you treat Cara" said a man's voice. Must be Emilio.

Me and Jesse decided it would be good to enter soon before they got into an argument or started talking shit on us. I mean, I would argue with him too if I were her. Finding out my husband's kids from a different woman were going to live with me, and I had to treat them as my own daughter. Probably wouldn't happen.

"Why do you trust them being here, Emilio? You said they were practically poor and homeless, what makes you think they won't steal from us? There is no way I'm treating them the same as my own-" The lady who I'm assuming was his wife got interrupted by our presence before she got to finish her sentence.

"Oh, don't stop on my watch, go ahead and talk shit all you want cause trust me, I got plenty to say about you." I told her.

"Demi, stop. Please." I would have kept going if it wasn't for the way Jesse was looking at me when he said those words.

"Fine. Sorry Jess."

"It's fine, just control your temper oka-"

Emilio interrupted our little talk when he said, "Hello guys, I'm Emilio, your um father."

I guess he was expecting us to greet him back. He guessed wrong. He can't act like if nothing ever happened.

"You guys look so grown, so beautiful, and handsome for you Joey."

The look on my brother's face was one I wish to never see again. He had so much hope for this guy and he couldn't even get his own sons name right.

"Joey?" My brother questioned him.

"Is that not your name? Look I'm sorry its been a lon-"

"And whose fault is that, huh? You know what, I barely even remembered you anyways, but I still had hope. I hoped that you still cared. That you always remembered us and regretted leaving, but now I see. You couldn't even remember your own fucking sons name. How pathetic is that? Your a shitty excuse of a fathe-"

"Jesse, stop." This time it was my turn to calm him down.

"No Demi, I'm not gonna stop. Oh hey, Emilio, her names Demi by the way. Do you remember her? Or what about my other brothers, Jacob and Jordan? Do you even remember that you have four kids?"

"Jess, seriously. Shut the fuck up. How many times do I have to tell you to watch your language? I get your hurt-"

"No Demi, you don't get it. I'm not hurt, just disappointed." He gave Emilio one last look, then stormed off somewhere. Probably to his room since we don't know this house very well.

"Dems I'm sorry. I didn't kno-"

I interrupted Emilio before he could finish. "Of course you didn't know. How could you, though? It's not like you were around. And don't call me that, you lost that right 10 years ago."

He stayed quiet after that, but when I heard movement that's when reality came back. It wasn't just me, Jesse, and Emilio in the kitchen. His wife and Cara were there as well. His wife took matter into her own hands and said, "Hello lovely to meet you uhh Dest-"

She did that on purpose. I'm pretty sure my name was said plenty of times for her to know it. She wants to get a bad reaction out of me, too bad for her she won't.

"Uh no. It's Demi and I'm pretty sure you knew that. Look, I won't waste my time overreacting cause I know you did that on purpose. You probably just wanted a reason for Emilio to kick us out so early, but no. I'm actually gonna head back up to my room, so have a nice dinner with your family, bitch."


"Knock. Knock."


"You're supposed to say whose there. C'mon Jess, just open the door."

Still nothing.

"Jess, you know that I know how to pick a lock so let's do this the easy way and you just open the door."

A few seconds later the door finally opened.

"Hey. How ya doin? You holdin up okay?"

"I'm fine, just leave me alone." I can tell he wasn't fine though.

"Ya know what, come here." I said with my arms held open, "you need a hug."

"No Demi, I'm 13 not 8. I don't need a hug."

Since he's being a stubborn ass, I went and attacked him with a hug anyways.

"You'll always be my baby. No matter how old you get. So stop being so fucking stubborn and hug me. I know you want to."

"Wow, you sound like a mother." With that he hugged me back then with a tone so soft it almost sounded like a whisper said, "I guess you kinda are in a way. You raised me and I don't know if I've ever told you, but thank you for that. Having Emilio let me down only made me realize how grateful I am to you. I mean, Demi, you didn't get to have a childhood. You gave that up in order to let me have mine and I love you for that. I love you so much." His voice was cracking towards the end and I felt my shirt getting a bit wet, he was crying.

I felt my eyes start to water as well. I didn't know having Emilio fuck up would lead to me and Jesse having such an intimate moment.

"I love you, too Jess. So so much. If it wasn't for you I don't even know if I would be alive right now. So the person who should really be saying thank you is me. So, thank you Jesse for giving me a reason to live. I love you."

"Wow, look at us being all sentimental and shit," Jesse chuckled.

"Hey, language" I said wiping my eyes of tears. "But yeah, we look like pussy's just sitting here crying haha."

"We do haha."

"Nah, I was just kidding Jess. Crying doesn't make you a pussy. It makes you stronger."

"Yeah right."

"No, seriously, it does. It takes some balls to show emotion, not many guys do."

"Yeah, okay, whatever, just don't talk about balls I'm your brother."

"That's fine. Hey, I'm gonna go shower so I'll see you tomorrow."

"Alright, bye."

Before I left his room I told him I loved him then he replied, "Come on Dems, I thought we were done being all sentimental and emotional."

"Yeah you're right, sorry."

Right as I walked out the door he yelled, "But I love you, too."


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