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Demi's POV

We were both only in our underwear, breathing heavily. He moved his hips into mine, feeling how hard he already was. He pulled away and looked down into my eyes. "Are you sure you want this?"

I looked into his honest eyes and nodded, "I trust you."

Those words seemed to trigger something in him, his kisses getting sloppy as his hands went all over my body. He felt me through my underwear, a low moan escaping my mouth when he pressed down on my clit. I lifted my hips to meet his, wanting our lower halves to create friction. One of his hands reached down and pressed my hips to the mattress.

He rubbed himself against me, doing so slowly to tease me. Having enough of it, I reached down and wrapped my hand around his member. I gave him a few strokes before I flipped us over, my legs straddling his.

I peeled off his boxers, looking down at him as he bit his lip. I asked him where he kept his condoms and grabbed one, sitting on his thighs as he put it on. I rubbed my clothes self against him, his heavy pants encouraging me to go faster. I took off my bra as well as my underwear and held his shoulders as I lowered myself onto him.

It took a few movements for me to get accustomed to him, my mouth hung open as I started to feel pleasure.

He wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer as he sat up against the headboard. I circled my hips, a moan leaving my mouth.

I was going at a normal pace, but as I felt my orgasm near, I went faster. Soft grunts left his mouth, his lips then attaching themselves to my neck. One arm went around his neck and the other went down to rub myself, getting me there quicker.

He came with a low moan and tightened his grip on my waist, I did so right after him and leaned my head on his shoulder.

He lowered us both, his arm going around my shoulders as we fell asleep.


I woke up to the smell of bacon. I sat up panicked, using the bed sheet to cover my naked body.

Holy shit.

Why am I still in his house? I was supposed to sneak out before he woke up, that's how it usually went... but Harry's not like those other guys. He seems to care for me and that's kind of scary. What am I talking about? I care about him too, that's obvious. I'm just panicking. I'm panicking because I don't think I've ever done this before.

Just as I picked up my dirty shirt from the floor, Harry appeared at the door, looking surprised to see me awake. He pouted as he neared me, placing his hands on my waist once he was close enough.

"I wanted to surprise you with breakfast." I opened my mouth to respond but nothing came out. He looked down at the shirt in my hands and shook his head, offering me a clean tee instead, "I don't have anything your size for you to wear as bottoms, but some of the running shorts I own do have drawstrings in them, you could always just tighten it, yeah?"

I nodded my head and tried to smile in appreciation. He looked at me funny then stepped away to get me some clothes.

I put them on fairly quickly and quietly followed him out to the kitchen. On the way there I took the time to admire his home. He had paintings and photos scattered nicely all over his walls and counters. I stopped at a particular painting and couldn't help but notice a little 'H.S.' at the bottom, I quickly glanced at his disappearing figure then back at the portrait. Did he-? If this is his work, I'm highly impressed because it's so fucking good. I'm not much of an art girl, but it's abstract and it's inviting, just reeling you in. I accidentally bumped into a small table that was against the wall while I was trying to get a closer look at his work. A frame fell, causing a loud noise to echo through the hall.

"Is everything okay?" He yelled out, questioning me.

"Yeah, it's fine. Sorry bout that, I didn't see where I was going." I responded back absentmindedly. I picked it up and it thankfully wasn't broken. I ran my finger over Harry's face, both of his dimples were prominent and his smile was so wide his eyes were squinted. I bit my lip, holding back a smile of my own, his being too contagious. It was him and another man I didn't recognize. I moved on and picked up the next frame, this one being of him and a few friends. He was eating frozen yogurt or something and the rest of them were smiling at the camera. I felt his presence next to me and without turning to look at him, I raised the frame slightly so that he could see and asked him who these people were. He stretched his arm out to point at each as he told me.

 He stretched his arm out to point at each as he told me

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"Those are my mates James, Henry and Riley. Riley's a producer at my dad's company. I met Henry at University, and James is an old family friend." He moved to the other side of the photo and pointed to the woman with silver hair, "That's Lou, Louise actually, but she goes by Lou. Met her at a pub a few years back, her husband and I became good friends."

"What about her?" I ask him, since he skipped over her in the photo. I finally looked at him and saw a small smile on his face.

"That's my sister. She works in Australia, this photo was taken on the rare occasion that both of us were actually in the same country."

"You two look so much alike."

He shook his head at me as he lead me down into the kitchen, "You should see my mum, we both take after her."

I sat at the breakfast table and involuntarily smiled. He's such a fucking dork, he had made a face on the pancakes with fruit. I looked at him and saw his wide smile, his eyes already on me, waiting for my reaction.

"There's that smile. See, there's nothing pancakes can't fix."

Let me know what you think. Please enjoy x

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2017 ⏰

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