Meeting Cara

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"Calm down, Jesse. I wouldn't get too excited. I know you weren't old enough to remember him, but he was a major ass."

"I know, it's just, I don't know. I don't really remember him. I was only 3 when he left. I just, I guess I'm sort of excited, but I just wanna see how his new family is y'know? What do they have that we didn't?"

I don't answer him after that. I don't have the answer. When I was young and naive I thought the same thing. "Why'd my daddy leave me? Am I not worth it?" But he's 13 for Gods sake. Why does he want to know? Our father's a piece of trash who couldn't handle his responsibilities. Him leaving was the best thing that could have happened.

Now, my brother Jesse and I are on our way to our father, Emilio's, home. My mom had a drug problem, was addicted to them, but now after so long, she decides she wants to go and get help. I get that as her daughter I should support her decision in reaching out to get help, but she wasn't a mother figure. She was never even around. My two older brothers Jordan and Jacob, practically raised me and Jesse. If it were up to me, I would be living with them, I mean, I'm turning 18 soon there's no reason I should be forced to stay with Emilio.


As the door opens I suddenly get hit with a huge wave of anger. A girl that looks about my age opens the door. Great, he could raise someone else's daughter just not his own.

"Hi, you must be Demi. My dad told me you would be coming. I'm Cara," said the blonde haired girl who opened the door.

Wow. Her dad. As if he weren't mine. Unfortunately, he was though. I'm actually pretty surprised that he even mentioned he had kids, wonder if he told them how he left us like we were nothing but trash. Doubt it. He had to have mentioned us, I mean two kids coming into their home with the little that they own must've been a bit suspicious.

"Uh, yeah." I responded awkwardly.

My brother reached over and shook her hand that was placed awkwardly in front of me since I was just looking at it.

"I'm Jesse, Demi's brother obviously. Nice to meet you Cara." Said my brother with a friendly tone.

"Nice to meet you too. Um, so why don't I show you guys to your rooms to get settled. Then I'll show you around when my parents get home."

"Sure." I responded shortly.

"Do you guys want to get the rest of your luggage off? I'm sure some of the maids will help you. Maaarrrriiiaaa-"

"This is actually all we have." I awkwardly interrupted her. Looking down at my shoes embarrassed.

"Oh, well, um okay let's show you inside then to your rooms"

As we walk to our rooms, me and Jesse are basically wide eyed and have our mouths agape the entire time. This place looks so expensive. Like a museum or some shit. Right as we're about to go upstairs (upstairs!! Our old house had 1 bedroom and that was our mothers!) some elderly lady came rushing towards us and said, "Yes, Miss Cara, I sorry I took long, I was getting dinner ready. Your father say he want it done when he get home." I guess this is the Maria person she yelled for earlier.

Cara glares at her then responds, "Next time I call you, you come. I don't care what you're doing. I won't tell my mother about this incident this time, because as it turns out they don't need your help anyways."

Can this chick be any more rude?

"Sorry miss, I sorry."

I hear a familiar accent in her voice. Hispanic, it's got to be. My mom had an accent just like hers when she spoke english, which was rare. Before Maria walked away I decided to introduce myself, since Cara obviously wasn't going to.

"Eh, hola. Me llamo Demi y el se llama Jesse." I said pointing towards my brother. //eh, hi. I'm Demi and his name is Jesse//

She turned around with a shocked expression, obviously not expecting me to talk to her let alone speak spanish. It took he a couple seconds to actually respond. "Oh hola, yo soy Maria. Trabajo por Emilio y ustedes son?" She said a bit confused. //oh, hello, i'm Maria. I work for Emilio and you are?//

"Somos los hijos de Emilio." //We're Emilios kids.//

"Oh, okay, mira, ella y su mama no hablan a español, puedes hablar malos de ellos jaja. Era encantada de conocerte, pero tengo que trabajar." //oh okay, look, that girl (cara) and her mom don't speak spanish so you can talk bad about them haha. It was nice to meet you, but I have to work//

"Bye Maria" said me and Jesse.

We both started following Cara up the stairs. Me and Jesse had rooms adjacent to each other. Jesse went straight to his room and closed the door. Cara followed me into mines, but quickly went to leave. Before she actually left she stopped at the door, turned to face me, then said," Next time, don't speak to the help and if you do, speak in English. We're in America, don't encourage them."

"Hey Cara." I said before she officially left. "Last time I checked, I don't have to listen to you. I'm not here by choice and the so called 'help' are people too, they're just doing their job so don't at them. Oh and again, like you said, we're in America, 'land of the free' so I can speak whatever language I fu.cking want. Okay? Okay. Close the door on your way out please and call me when YOUR father comes. Or not. I don't really care."

If looks could kill, I'd be so dead right now. Oh well, if she's gonna be a bi.tch, I'll be a bi.tch right back.


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