First Dates, Sort Of

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"You better be nice to her I swear I'll kick your ass myself."

"I will, I will. Calm down will you." He told me.

"I am calm. I'm just saying, if I find out you were acting like an asshole towards this girl. Me and you are gonna have a problem."

"Please, I'm taller then you. I can win you."

Just as I was going to respond to him, someone's car pulled up and I recognized the person inside. When that person was close enough to us that they could hear I said,

"Well, if I can't kick your ass Harry can do it for me. Right, Harry?"

"Definitely. Wait, why would I kick his ass?"

"He's about to leave for his first date, so I said that if he's a douche I'll kick his ass."

"Oh, yeah. Even though I'm almost definite Demi can do it, I'll help her. Because let me tell you something, Jesse, ladies love a gentlemen."

These months that I have hung out with Harry, Jesse was there with us most of the time. The both of them have hit it off really well. Harry has been like that older brother that I know Jesse misses. All this time that we've been here, our brothers have only called once, and it was very brief. So having this positive brother figure is good for him.

"Hey, Demi. Can you let me and Harry here, talk for a bit. Alone."

"I'm hurt, Jess. I really am, but whatever." I said, leaving them be.

Harry's POV

"What's up, Jesse?" I asked him.

"I don't know how to beat around the bush so I'm just gonna say it."

"Okay, go ahead."

"How did you know that you were into girls?"

Of all the questions he could've asked. I didn't even think it would be anything near this subject.

"Well, I don't know actually. I just kind've always had crushes on girls. It's just a feeling that you get. Why?"

"It's just. I'm not sure if I even like this girl. She smart, she's funny, and she's beautiful, and I like her. I do. But these feelings are not as strong as- not as strong as-" he seemed to be having trouble so I finished the sentence for him.

"You mean, not as strong as the one you have for a certain boy?"

He looked down embarrassed then said, "Yeah."

"You're still a kid, Jesse. You still have time to figure out who you are. If you have your eyes on this boy, then don't string along some other person. You can tell him how you feel, or don't. Just don't be embarrassed about who you are. Who knows, you might like this boy now, and you might like a girl later down the road, or you just might like boys only. But whoever it is, just know that it's okay. And that it's okay to be confused, and it's okay to not know who you are yet."

"You know what, you're right Harry. I don't have to label myself for anyone. Thank you. Can I hug you? I don't care I'm gonna hug you anyway."

"No problem. You're an amazing kid you know that?"

"Yeah, I know. Demi makes sure I always do. Well, I have to go now, gotta go tell this girl it's not going to work. Tell Demi I was in a rush and couldn't go tell her bye."

"I will. Tell me how it goes."

He then left in the taxi. A couple minutes later, Demi came out and looked a bit down. Must be because he left without telling her.

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