Bryan x Vendi 📝

1.6K 19 17

(A/N Ok, I've decided to try and make one myself. Uh I also want u all to know im a teenager lmao. So, I kinda got work and stuff yk. Busy with things. hopefully this doesn't take too long to make! imma try to be a not cringey writer so ya <3 )

(11/6 update: gosh please read my others! They get better as time goes on. Also have fixed some of this.

11/27 update: last time I'm changing this. No one will care to re-read it ik. Just fixing it up a bit yk? Now I'm giving up on it. Tho you can take notice it's a bit longer now)

TW/CW: Shitty writing cus I was a beginner

Words: 1.3k

Bryan POV: (all time unless otherwise)

I stared at a spreadsheet on my laptop's monitor. I wasn't taking anything in, however, I was deep in thought. I almost had tears fall down my face because of how much I wasn't blinking. I blinked once in awhile though! I was just a nervous wreck.

Why is this even a good idea? I mean, another party at this time? Bryan was thinking to himself hard again this, I really should be focusing on Moon, Glitchtrap, Afton, all of them.

"Bryan?" Helpy interrupted his thoughts. They just opened the door to his office.

"Oh! Hey, Helpy," he snapped out of his thoughts, "what's up?"

"Well, I was going to tell you that people have started to arrive since this event is planned for this exact time." They informed, getting straight to the point.

"Really? Gosh, ok, who is supposed to be here?" Bryan closed his laptop.

"Dylan, Pluto, Ivy, and I think that Iris guy," Help continued, "I'm sure there are others! Also some members of the franchise like Vendi!"

"Oh, ok..." Bryan quickly responded.

Wait. Why is Vendi here? Now why am I thinking that? That's a stupid question to be wondering. He's the CEO. Why else?

"Is that all, Helpy?" Bryan stood up.

"Yup, nothing new." They assured.

I was shocked by this, "really? I would've thought-"

Helpy quickly shut him down. "Nothing is new, Bryan."

"Oh. If you say so." I was caught off guard by the sharp response.

Weird... He thought.

Helpy left the room leaving both doors open behind them. Assuming he was going to supervise the event incase of troubles. Things never went well in this company. That was for sure.

Bryan stepped out of the room and shut the doors behind him. He headed on his left to the main area. Down the stairs he went.

Wonder if Davis even showed. Helpy didn't list him nor Kat... Perhaps that's more of a good thing.

Bryan walked only a few steps and Dylan and Pluto approached him. Wonder what they want.

"Hey, Bryan!" Dylan exclaimed.

"Oh, hey Dylan." He smiled in response.

Pluto seemed to be searching for the words to say.

"Are you, uhm, okay?" he asked Pluto.

"Yeah! Sorry, just felt like my brain has been tugged on a lot..." They joked.

Bryan was a bit confused by that.

"They've been having memory issues... amnesia. Y'know?" Dylan explained.

"Oh, ok, I get you." Bryan laughed it off.

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