Bryan x Vendi 💤

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(a/n surprise? Idk when I'll finish this. But here it is and I hope u all haven't died on me while I was dead. Enjoy<3 Happy pride. Sorry it's not much ig im just out of the desire to write)

CW/TW: Angsty

Words: 800

It was quite a nice setting. A full moon was out shining brightly while the stars glistened. It was nearing midnight. There weren't any meetings to fret about and all the difficult work was done. Of course new work would most certainly arrive in the morning.

It was a free day for Bryan. He had all his work done that was an actual priority. He was quick to decide he'd want to spend it with Dr. Vendi -CEO of Fazbear's Entertainment- as nobody else came to mind. The two are aware of their fondness for one another. It was the first time in a while he felt like this.

Bryan smiled just thinking about Vendi as he found himself doing quite regularly. Though he knew it wasn't truly appropriate as the doctor was his boss. It just didn't seem to cross either of each other's minds. Vendi felt better around Bryan. Dr. Vendi hadn't even given anyone a gift before he came along.

Bryan went on ahead to visit Dr. Vendi. It wasn't a visit that came with an invitation but it certainly was welcomed anytime. The doctor was never bothered by his other visits.

He entered the building and the lady at the counter just gave him a raised brow before giving him the go ahead.

The elevator door slid open.

The doctor didn't even realize someone had entered the room. Somehow something else popped up right when another thing was completed. He was distracted by a rather pesky thing at hand. He didn't enjoy it but it didn't really matter since he could tolerate it. Enjoying a job like this would be difficult and would be a pathetic lie.

"Dr- erm. Vendi!" Bryan corrected himself.

The other seemed to jump after being caught off guard but quickly smiled, "hello, Bryan, how are you?"

The CEO was quite tired but it didn't stop the obvious excitement he had about Bryan's arrival.

"Good! I just figured I stopped by...sorry I didn't call or something." He slipped in an apology.

"You know I don't mind your visits! They are quite pleasant." The albino chuckled.

"Of course! I just wouldn't want to catch you at a bad time." Bryan explained.

"I don't think there would be a bad time when it's you." Vendi admitted mumbly.

"Oh," Bryan blushed, "really? I'm glad."

He nodded, "why of course Bryan."

"Let's sit down on the couch if that's alright," Vendi stood up and started explaining, "I just want this to not seem so business-like."

"I understand." The brunet acknowledged the reasoning.

The two men, Bryan and Vendi, sat right next to each other on the couch. They've been there for a few hours at most. It was so easy to loose track of time when there was no need to keep track of it. All there was, was knowing the other was there with them. It was comforting to know you had someone you shared vulnerable moment with. The brunet fell asleep on the CEO's lap fairly quickly. That wasn't too shocking of how tired he was. Vendi could understand that though. He understood the feeling of burn out and just not wanting to try much anymore.

This left Vendi to think a lot about Bryan. He had concerns about Bryan and had every right to be. The brunet was bright and successful at the start to the end. The end seemed to never truly be the end but that didn't seem to be true anymore. Bryan admitted he was actually dying and there was nothing he could do about it.

Perhaps it was selfish of Vendi to want to use the portal to save Bryan. Use something that ruined his love's life and many others. The portal should've been shut down and left untouched to be forgotten. That thing was mysterious and unpredictable but it was the only way to keep Bryan alive. It was selfish and desperate of them both to hold onto a sliver of hope that the portal of all things will save them without any issues. It'd be a mistake to rely on only just that.

The albino sighed. He wasn't a fool in this scenario. Though in other eyes he most certainly would be called one. Clinging onto such a slim possibility was foolish. It's too heartbreaking to admit to himself that maybe Bryan wouldn't survive nor he. He had to believe it would.

The choices were limited:

Await the inevitable,

Or use the portal to save each other.

The second choice was the better of the two in both their eyes.

(a/n idk why it got angsty at the end. I just read some major character death recently and it won't leave me alone:') also im prob gonna start tryna learn how to write betterrrr. Whether I continue writing or not idk! I might not even edit this)

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