Showtime Steve x G. Foxy ❤️‍🔥

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(A/N human tho. Requested by Artycusyes! I don't get detailed requests so that's always fun lmao. Never know where I'm going with any of this.

So yes. This is a human AU. It was prob gonna happen someday)


Words: 1k

Showtime Steve POV:

There weren't many things to do in life. I didn't have any interests in anything nor did I go to college. I don't regret it of course. I'm just not much of one to care. I'm more carefree. All I had to do was watching security cameras and it was a day shift thing. There was no spooky you're going to die feeling.

There were multiple guards separated from me and put on duty for just one section. I got to surveillance the repair room and backstage. It's where most of the engineers work. It was always interesting to see what they were doing because I have no idea how to even do what they do.

It just seems so complicated. You probably got to know a bit of coding and not just mechanics. Coding has always just been so weird to me. They only had one repair guy for some issue with Glamrock Chica. It seemed to be a regular occuring food incident getting stuck in her. Kids sure are wild and I guess her being more of a kitchen robot also says a lot.

He seemed to have his hair dyed red, hair covering one of his eyes, and blue eyes. He also did have a noticeable ear piercing. He did look pretty cool and handsome.

...Perhaps I shouldn't be thinking that term for some random repairman! I'd say a respectful look. Yeah, that definitely sounds better. He had some requirements and restrictions to what he could wear, but he still looked pretty good.

He was attempting to get some sort of food out of Chica's chest cavity. He must be new because he was struggling to open it. These animatronics are real good tech, so maybe he's never had to work on one like that. He's going to have to get used to it.

It was a bit funny, but he finally got it opened and he grabbed some rubber gloves. Now it's a bit worrying how messy it is in there because he pulled out two pizza slices. Two!? That wasn't normal. Maybe some frosting or some toppings. Even one pizza slice would make more sense. It must be crazy out there since they couldn't wait to fix her. They got the newbie to do it.

It was pitiful for how terrible his first repair was going. At least it wasn't some broken joints and stuff like that. Poor soul. Hope he doesn't quit after this. I'm sure that pays better than security and security isn't all that bad here. I'm sure the pay rate is honestly why most people are here. It's better than other jobs and it doesn't care if you just turned 18. Didn't matter to them. Repair was a bit stricter with some type of degree I think?

Though something caught my attention real quick. He just stopped on sat against a wall. Maybe it was just a bit too confusing and stuff. He did clean out the stuff, but now he has to wash it, replace any damaged parts, find out where everything is, and so on. It was considered easy in that department...

"Hey, Bryan?" I tried to get the Manager's attention.

"What is it?" He looked up from some other girl's screen.

"I need to check on something real quick-" I tried my best excuse.

"That's alright. Just be back soon. I'm sure the employees out there can make sure no one gets backstage." He let it go pretty easily.

I walked on out and headed to the repair room. Who knows what was going through that guy's head. New jobs are stressful especially the first week. I opened the door and took a look in his direction.

"Hey, are you alright?" I asked.

He looked at my name plate real quick. He then say what department I was in and was thinking. He then probably realized why I was here.

"Oh, did you see all of that?"

I gave a small smile, "Yes! I just wanted to see if you were ok."

"Oh," he finally showed his face now, "thank you and everything, but I'm alright."

"Eh, I don't think so." I wasn't buying it.

"Why don't you think so?"

"You're new. I would know. I've memorized everyone." I explained.

"I am new, but I can handle it." The red-haired defended.

"Not what I saw! I'm sure we can get another person to do it for you." I'm hopeful at least.

"But it's my job to do so?"

I thought for a moment, "I'm sure Bryan will understand!"

"The manager?" He inquired.

"Yep, him! He's understanding." I informed him.

"Oh, thanks... Steve." He seemed to be doing better already.

"Of course, uhm..." His name plate wasn't visible.

"Oh, sorry. Fritz!" He stood up and dusted his pants off.

"Ooo! Nice name." I complimented.

"I'm glad you've taken a liking to it." He took a deep sigh.

"How about we go to Bryan now, ok?"

"Yeah, ok, that's fine." He agreed to go with.

"Can I give you a hug?"

He seemed hesitant on the idea. He just seemed puzzled as if he didn't understand what I just said. Though he couldn't think forever about it.

"Sure." He gave in.

"Yay!" I pulled him into a hug and gave a little laugh.

It was a quick hug, but I think I cheered him up a bit. I've always been good at keeping people happy anyways. Like a ball of sunshine. People trusted me more than the school counselor! Which is actually fair. I never sent them to a mental hospital, so I think I was on their vibe check list. I think.

( a/n hope u specifically enjoyed and everyone else reading this. I'm bleeding rn from my finger but it'll be fine. I'm sure of it. Even though it hurts. Wtf why does it actually sting-)

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