Chapter 08: Me? Of all people?

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"Now I see why you're so annoyingly happy today, birdman

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"Now I see why you're so annoyingly happy today, birdman." Mirko smirked at Hawks.

Both of them are out on the wet and dark streets of Fukuoka, doing patrol together. A little "break", since the research team didn't find anything new about the mission yet.

Only now Keigo decided to tell her about what happened last night. How couldn't he? He's acting like a happy puppy seeing his owner again after so long apart. The man is smiling all day, showing no sign of exhaustion even after a whole night awake.

"It was so hard to leave them this morning!! She was sleeping so cute in my arms~! Wake up with both of them in my wings is definitely the best sensation in the world, I'm telling you!" he said dreamily.

"Ugh! I get it, lover boy! But what I want to know is when will you start courting her?"

"Don't you think is too soon for this?" he asked insecurely.

"WHAT? Don't you think is taking too long already? It has been months and you both are all lovey-dovey since day one. The girl looks at you like you're the most precious thing- BLERG, GROSS. What are you waiting for?"

"I don't know... I don't want to pressure her into anything. She just got free from years of captivity, may be better to let her see more of the world and explore new things? New people?"

"You're talking like being with you will stop her from doing all this!"

"No, I would never keep (Y/N) from doing what she wants but... I don't wanna her accepting me just because I'm the only male closer to her, y'know?"

"No, I DON'T! Isn't like she only sees you. Are you forgetting about every man in the agency who talks to her when she goes to see the psychologist? Even he is a male. A handsome one I must say, huh~!"

"Wait, really?" Mirko laughed hard at this reaction.

"Why? Are you jelly jelly, Hawks? Do you want some peanut butter to accompany it?"

"O-Of course I'm not. Stop being so annoying. I'm just worried about her well-being."

"Suuuuure~" she smirked at his embarrassment. "You better start planning what you'll do, got it? Be warned that if you keep playing dumb I'm gonna steal (Y/N) for me!"

"Oi, oi, you damn, rabbit!" he yelled at the now running bunny showing her tongue at him. "Come back here!"


Meanwhile, (Y/N) is reading a book to Kai. Early this week she asked Keigo to buy some educational books for kids so she can teach some things to the boy.

She isn't the smartest but wanted to teach him at least how to read and write, so when the opportunity to put him in a school came, Kai will not be so behind the kids his age.

(Y/N) is also helping with his talking, since it's noticeable how baby-like he sounds sometimes, even more when he's nervous. A consequence of being caged with no right of making sounds for so long.

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