Chapter 01: Golden Wings

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"I'm not gonna let you die in here

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"I'm not gonna let you die in here. I'm not gonna let you die in here. I'm not..." the young woman curled up in the corner of a moldy room repeated to herself over and over again.

Her golden wings are almost shining in the darkness, embracing her small and trembling body and also a small little being.

"I'm scared." a whisper came from inside the wide wings. Quiets whimpers can be heard coming from the little boy who holds a tight grip around her neck.

"I'm not gonna let you die in here, baby bird..." the woman almost choked through her tears. Cooing to calm down the little one.

She can't stop now.

The incessant phrase she keeps repeating is like a fuel that pushes her forward, even if her own body is almost giving up on her due to her injuries. She's fighting the urge to just shut down, to stop feeling the pain from her left side, that's bleeding way too much. Sweat mixed with the blood from the shot she just took.

'No, (Y/N) keep the focus. I can't let them remove his wings!' she tried to remember her goal.

She can endure any pain like she always did, for god knows how long. The winged woman has no idea of how long it has been since she was taken. Not that anyone would care about her missing, she never had a person to rely on in her life.

Maybe her parents had the same fate? She doesn't care, she can endure this pain too.

However, no one will touch the baby bird. Even if her quirk does nothing more to her body than give those beautiful wings and some keen instincts, the woman will fight like she has the most powerful quirk on this planet.

Holding firmly the handgun she stole from the man killed earlier, (Y/N) tried to pay attention to the surroundings again.

No, she isn't bothered by having her hands bloody. Not now, not when the most important thing in her life is in the line. She watched enough when they hurt him to remove his little red feathers. He's too young for this shit. She's not letting anything more happen.

"WHERE'S THIS BITCH?!" a scream can be heard in the distance. "I told you to kill her on the base when she was making a scene to come along."

"Are you insane? She's too valuable, man. The boss would kill us both!"

"Then knocked her out or something, I don't know! Fuck! She killed Higasaki! All because of that damn bird." both men are angry.

They tolerate a lot of things she does to protect the little boy, after all, she really is too valuable, probably the most valuable thing in their catalog now.

Nevertheless, that doesn't matter anymore. Someone wants the kid and it's too much payment to be carrying about the wellbeing of the winged woman.

"Is her baby, isn't it? What did you expect?"

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