Chapter 10: Who Keigo Takami is

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The next morning, Hawks was the first to wake up

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The next morning, Hawks was the first to wake up. He's thinking about yesterday, more specifically about his day at the agency.

Even with everything good happening, he still worried about (Y/N) and Kai's safety. The others rescued, besides the avians, still are under 24/7 vigilance, what's not difficult since most of them are doing rehabilitation. It is a relief to have fewer people to worry about it.

For Keigo is easy to understand the mafia's actual target. It's people with a discriminated quirk, minority, poor, and without family. An easy subject that if attacked won't be noticed by anyone. (Y/N) is proof of this, since she disappeared for years and no one looked after her.

It's a low blow, if he may say it.

The hardest to deal with is who's doing this. If the research team is right and the mafia is behind all this, almost everyone from inside Japan's justice system is unreliable. Due to this, the government will be super bureaucratic about doing anything or even bringing the FBI into the case, if necessary.

It's gonna take too long to resolve this mission, to Hawks and the others' dismay.

That's why Keigo hates this hero system. There are so many chains restraining them from doing the right thing. The hero can't deny that a lot of the laws are important, but the ones restricting him from just going to the mafia base and just deal with the bastard who's hunting down and trafficking his people is a pain in the ass.

How good would be if he could do whatever he needs?

"Morning, my hawk~" (Y/N) brought him back to reality, still waking up, with a husky morning voice. 'Gosh, she's looking so cute with her sleepy face', he thought. "Why are you so serious this early?"

"Because my dove was asleep and I was all alone~! Good morning, my angel." he gave a little peck on the tip of her nose. "Did you sleep well?"

"How not? Look at us, all cozy and cuddling under our wings. This is just like a dream to me." she said nuzzling on his chest, their cooing in sync.

"I can tell the same... I refuse to sleep in any other way now!" he took in the smell of her hair, a sweet aroma from her shampoo.

"Good luck with that when Kai has nightmares." she giggled thinking of her baby.

"I don't see the problem, there's enough space for him here! See? Just right here in the middle, between us."

"Are you seriously considering letting him sleep with us? It won't bother you?" she's surprised.

"What? Why not let him? Isn't Kai our baby bird?" (Y/N)'s eyes widened with tears. "Oh shit, here we go again, you're crying!"

"Shut it, will you?! I'm not crying is just... I'm touched. Are you being serious, Keigo?" it's so unbelievable that he yearns for a baby that's not even hers entirely.

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