Chapter 09: Appreciation

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Keigo and (Y/N) are now officially courting each other

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Keigo and (Y/N) are now officially courting each other. Something barely known by most people but even though is the first time for both, they just know what to do. Their instincts guiding every action.

Starting with (Y/N), who woke up early in the morning to do a special breakfast to them. Wanting nothing more than to show her appreciation, she decided to decorate the place.

With very few options, (Y/N) opted to go to the flowerbed located just beside the building they live. She's not allowed to go out alone, for safety purposes, but she just couldn't stop herself.

It was pretty quick, so no one saw her.

Putting the most varied dishes she cooked with love on the dinner table, she started to decorate the place with her favorite flowers.

She took care of herself too. Her wings are preened, her hair in her favorite style, and using a special outfit she bought with Mirko a time ago, something comfortable and yet pretty. On her face only moisturizer and a bit of lip tint on the lips and cheeks.

Let's not forget the baby bird, that's using his favorite pajama - Hawks', obviously. He's watching his mama happily organize everything from his seat at the dinner table. He doesn't understand yet the reason why she's so happy but is getting enthused.

Oblivious to all of this, Keigo is slowly putting on his hero costume. The euphoria from the day prior kept him awake for kinda some time, but even tired he was accomplished. Finally, he gave in to his instincts. It feels so much better than fighting against it.

He started to feel the smell of food, more than one type actually. Curious, he walked out of the bedroom and just couldn't stop the smile on his face seeing his lovely ones waiting for him.

"Wow, what's all this, angel?" he said coming closer to them.

"Mowning, Hawkx!" Kai waved with his mouth full of pancakes and cheeks stained with chocolate.

"I made us breakfast~! A special one, to show you my appreciation and that... I'm seriously accepting you." (Y/N) smiled shyly at him.

"My dove, you didn't need but thanks, I appreciate and I loved it!" he pulled her by the waist, kissing her forehead. "By the way, you're looking stunning this morning."

"Thanks, hawk. Come, let's sit. I hope you like it, I did a bit of everything. Confess that I maybe have exaggerated but I was a little nervous. I wanted everything to be perfect for you."

"And it is! Look at all these flowers. Where did you find it?" he asked while sitting beside her, in front of Kai, and taking one to smell.

"I got them from the flowerbed near here. I know I shouldn't go there alone, but I just couldn't resist. Sorry."

"It's okay, next time warn me so I can know where you are, just in case. Now come here, those flowers look way better on you."

Keigo gently put some flowers in (Y/N)'s hair, keeping his hands on her face, caressing the skin affectionately. He just can't stop gazing at these beautiful eyes...

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