(Full Title: 25 Thousand Viewer special! Naruto Movie 1: Ninja Clash In The Land of Snow! Juts Master Special 1: Bleeding in the Snow)
Karin leans against a wall before looking to the pair next to her. "So why are we waiting out here?" She asks.
"Cause I don't want to watch a movie." Sadao scoffs crouched against a wall.
Hikaru glares at Sadao. "And I won't leave you two alone."
Sadao rolls his eyes. "I know Hikaru." Karin pouts as Hikaru turns his head away with a giant smirk. The doors open and Naruto steps out covered in tomatoes and trash as do Sakura & Sasuke.
Sakura, now free of the building and crowd, turns to her blonde partner. "Naruto!"
"Huh? What?!" He asks confused.
Sadao grins standing up. "So? How was it?"
Naruto turns to the older Uchiha with a smile. "Awesome! She was so cool!"
"Well, I'm glad you enjoyed your movie. Let's go we've got to meet with sensei in a bit."
They walk over to an empty lot where everyone sits and waits. Sadao bounces a ball between he, Karin, and Hikaru. While Naruto stares up at a large poster for the movie, "The Adventures Of Princess Gale"
Naruto grins contently staring at the poster.
Sakura sighs. "Kakashi-sensei is late."
Sadao sits on a log. "So is Noda-sensei."
"He's always late." Sasuke mutters.
Naruto continues to stare at the poster ignoring the other. "The movie was great... it really inspired me."
Sakura turns to Naruto with a glare. "What are you saying?! You made all that fuss, so we couldn't stay to watch the end! (Sighs) I wanted to watch Michy play the role of the handsome Sukeakura a little longer. Ah! Oh, but of course Sasuke is still the best."
"Sakura, your taste in men sucks as usual." Hikaru says bluntly.
Sakura turns to the red head, her anger only reinvigorated. "What did you say?!"
"Your taste in men is poor. Sasuke's not even interested." Sadao facepalms.
Sasuke suddenly turns to the others. "What? I wasn't listening to you guys."
Sakura sighs. "Still I wonder why Noda-sensei and Kakashi-sensei instructed us to see the movie before our mission?"
"Oh, So that's why you dragged me to the theater to see it?" Sadao turns to Karin.
Everyone perks up as a they hear a horse approaching before it jumps over the fence near them. Sadao takes a deep breath finally understanding why. The gate they were on, then breaks open as the woman on the advert rides away. Sadao immediately gives chase with the others following close behind. He watches as one of the riders throws a net at her and he catches it swiftly before vanishing away not allowing for himself to be seen. This distraction is enough for "Princess Gale" to ride away.
A few minutes later Karin follows along as Sakura acts as bait. Only showing herself when Kakashi & Noda finally appear, beginning to explain that the men Sakura & Hikaru attacked are the ones who requested their next mission. Meanwhile Naruto & Sadao slowly approach the female.
"Are you hurt at all, Ma'am?" Sadao asks extending a washcloth to her.
She glances to Sadao before walking to her horse and trying to ride off. Sadao quickly jumps out of the way allowing for the fanboying Naruto to be hit into a river. The pair then give chase and follow alongside her much to her surprise as Naruto begins to talk about being inspired by her, and while doing so the duo hop onto the horse as to not have to maintain running after her horse.

The Jutsu Master
FanfictionA world of massive monsters, crazy powers, yet her I stand. One of the few left. Once we were a mighty clan, now there's only me... and a few others. This is my story first and foremost, the story a lone boy who made some friends and became great th...