Chapter 28: Resonance

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"Team Uchiha reporting for duty." Sadao says

"Team Six ready for duty." Ju Ichi steps forward for his team.

"In a few days your two teams are to head after Sadao and Anzu's sibling. You are to find him and attempt to persuade them into joining the leaf."

Sadao nods. "Yes Ma'am." He answers for everyone. The two teams leave and gather supplies for the trip. Days later team Uchiha heading to the main gate. As they go to meet up Noda stands at the gate speaking with Anko as she nods. "What's wrong?"

Noda sighs. "Orochimaru, has been slain."

Sadao's eyes widen. "What? By who?"

Anko leans back. "Sasuke Uchiha."

"We should tell Tsunade immediately."

Noda crosses his arms. "Don't bother, she's the one who informed us."

"Us?" Sadao asks.

"She had everyone gather but you and Anzu."

"Of course, she did. So when do we leave?"

"Mission's changed. Teams, Six, Seven, Eight, and Uchiha are all to track down and hunt for Itachi Uchiha. They suppose that if we capture and bring Itachi to the leaf we can lure and bring Sasuke back as well."

"That's not smart. If I know Sasuke, then he won't come alone."

"Yes, that's my worry as well. Teams Six and Uchiha are also to bring Mako while away. We have two objectives. Find and retrieve Mako Uchiha as well as Itachi Uchiha and bring them back to the leaf."

"Well that's fine. Let's go." Anzu slams her fists together.

"Hold on, we still have to wait for the rest."

"If we can't get Itachi, then I'd say we get Sasuke."

"No, That'd never work out. He'd just leave again to find and kill Itachi."

"Yes, he would. Though, I can imagine you'd want to kill Itachi as well?" Sadao asks.

"No, I'd rather not. That's not my part to play. As far as I'm concerned my part of Itachi's life has ended. I'm no longer required to deal with him. Why as far as I'm concerned Itachi and I are nobodies to each other. Mako, however, that's a person I'd want to talk with again."

"So what? You mean to tell me your past with him means nothing?"

Noda chuckles. "No, not exactly. What I mean is, our present selves mean nothing to each other, however, our younger selves meant a lot to the other. Of course, I could be wrong about that. We better move fast. Itachi is our best chance."

"Yes, our target is, Itachi Uchiha."

"Though, I worry. It's been rumored that Sasuke went to a hideout and took someone from it. And they're trouble."

"Why'd that be?" Sadao asks.

"They're called the clan killer. Apparently, he's skilled at killing surviving members of nearly extinct clans. Meaning he's probably going to be gunning for you and your family. How Sasuke's gonna get him under control, I don't know."

"Whats his name?"

Noda hums before racking his brain for a moment. "Oh right. The name's Akashi Yuki. I don't know how but he's killed many of clans off. Including many of the Isao's." They turn seeing everyone gathering. Ju Ichi, Shiroi, Eijiro nearby team Uchiha waits, checking their gear, Naruto arrives with Sakura, Sai, Kakashi and Yamato, and Shino, Kiba and Hinata all as well.

"I'm impressed. You've planned this well." Tsunade praises.

Naruto grins. "This is awesome. This is a great number for finding Itachi."

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