Chapter Three: Choke

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Hikaru, Karin, Sadao, and Kakashi walk towards the school taking in the view Sadao grabs from his pocket a scroll and open it to read, while Hikaru crosses his arm sand Karin looks to the Uchiha.

"Do you really have to do that now?"

"I'm just studying. A sharp mind for a strong body."

Karin sighs. She looks away from Sadao before she could respond, as they had arrived at the door. Kakashi goes to open the door, making the three students within the class stop their bickering. He opens the door only to have an eraser fall on his head with dust flying and falling around him. Naruto starts laughing.

"I got him, I got him..." Naruto is able to wheeze out between bouts of laughter.

"I-I'm sorry, sir. I tried to stop him, but Naruto did it on his own." Sakura apologizes, though she's very quick to throw him under the wagon for her own good.

"Get real." Sasuke mutters and looks away.

Kakashi simply steps in as Karin and Hikaru step out from behind him. Sadao follows after them rolling his eyes at the trio.

"Hmmm... how can I put this? Well my first Impression of you guys is.... well, I hate all of you."

Hikaru lets out a breath trying to stop a laugh. Kakashi orders the students to the roof, where they meet up moments later. The pair of Hikaru & Karin eat while sitting up there. Sadao however sits on the ground next to Kakashi. Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke are seated on some stairs on a roof as Kakashi leans on the railing.

"Let's see. First off, let me have you guys introduce yourselves." Kakashi speaks to the group before him unamused.

"Introduce ourselves? What should we say?" Sakura asks.

'Wow, I knew she was dumb but wow...' Sadao thinks to himself.

"Your likes, dislikes, your future dream, hobbies, things like that."

"Hey! Before that, please tell us about yourselves." Naruto's shouts out and Kakashi's unamused eye seems to make it look like he's grinning to the loud boy.

"Me? My name is Kakashi Hatake. I don't feel like telling you guys about my likes and dislikes. I've never really thought about my future dream... As for hobbies, I have many."

"In the end, isn't all we know his name?" Sakura turns to Naruto asking him.

"Yeah." He agrees readily.

"Sadao, Hikaru, Karin, you three will go now.

"My name is Karin Uzumaki. My interests would be studying, and being with my friends. My dislikes are perverts, bad people, and those who try to hurt my friends. My future dream is to keep my promise and as for hobbies well.... I don't really know what I consider a hobby. Sadao your turn." She explains seriously while pushing her glasses up, the glare from them sending shivers down the others spine.

"Yeah. I'm Sadao Uchiha. My likes include practicing with my sword, hanging out with Karin and Hika, and eating. Dislikes are something I would rather not say, and my future dream would be to do something to someone and get some payback. As for my hobbies... I have very little, not important enough to mention. Hika?"

"I'm Hikaru Shizuma, my likes are unimportant, I dislike those who would hurt Karin, my dream is to protect Karin and Sadao. My hobbies don't matter." Hikaru speaks in a dull but grim tone before turning to Naruto who begins for the others.

"My names, Naruto Uzumaki. I like Instant ramen, but what I like even more is the ramen from Ichiraku that Iruka sensei treats me to. What I dislike is the three minutes after pouring in the hot water in the instant ramen. My hobby is eating and comparing ramen! And my future dream... is to surpass the Hokage! And so I'm going to get the entire village to acknowledge my existence!" Sadao cringes at how loud Naruto is.

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