Chapter 51: Paradigm

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Everyone still awake stares in awe, floating before them is truly their worst nightmare. Kaguya Otsutsuki. She stares at the pair of Sasuke and Naruto.

"These two are Hagoromo & Hamura's... No, rather they're... Indra and Asura's... but that one, he's just like Hagoromo." She looks at the three intently, her Byakugan activating she sees the chakra that radiates from the palms of the reincarnations. And Sadao who gains a second truth seeker orb, slowly as he adjusts to the rinnegan it seems he'll gain more. "So it was Hagoromo who gave them the Jutsu..."

'She'll be a challenge, one I don't think we can overcome with just teamwork, clever tactics, and probably someone's death will be what beats her.' Sadao thinks to himself. Not trying to decide on who should die, but of those who can sacrifice themselves for the greater good, he lands on himself first and foremost.

"What are your intentions?" Sadao asks he doesn't show himself as harmful raising his hand to show he means no harm at the moment.

"Ninshu... No, you said Shinobi... It's futile to speak to you about that, when all you do is just tamper with chakra, without knowing it's true meaning."

"Okay, if that's the best answer we'll get on that front, then... who is Zhor-en?"

"This place, this land... is my precious nursery. I cannot let it be damaged any further. Let us stop fighting..."

"Okay, not gonna answer that question either. Listen, lady-!" He's interrupted by Kaguya.

"Here that is." She says...

Suddenly everything changes, and everyone begins plummeting down. Sadao and Noda react quickly and Summon their Susano'o's Sadao catches Sakura, Kakashi, and Karin in his. Nods catches Hikaru and Obito. Sasuke only saves himself using a summoning he catches Naruto.

"I'll erase you all here!" She watches them, Sadao transfers his passengers to Noda's Susano'o as his flies to join Naruto & Sasuke. Sasuke explains that everyone but Naruto was saved because they were near Naruto. Naruto repeats to Sasuke something Sasuke told him years ago. She tries to stop them by launching needles made of her hair, though they can't penetrate the Susano'o. Sadao doesn't flinch, Naruto saves Sasuke learning he can fly.

"Once more...I shall reunify all chakra!" Kaguya blasts forward to attack. Sadao's Susano'o and Naruto's chakra arm extend forward to attack. They begin to punch rapidly over a massive area, Sasuke joins in and they slowly begin to push Kaguya back. One strike hits Naruto sending him flying that moment Sasuke's Susano'o fires an arrow from it which once it's much closer he switches places with, and readies to stab Kaguya with his Susano'o Kaguya lifts a hand up and begins to melt the Susano'o's blade before Sasuke's launched down, Sadao teleports Sasuke next to Naruto. When he looks back to where Kaguya was, she's gone. In an instant he sensed her behind the two.

"Naruto! Sasuke!" He shouts.

The two turn utterly terrified, but instead of attacking the trio she brings her hands to Sasuke and Naruto's faces, looking at the three crying. "Now... come to your mother..."

Black Zetsu tries to attach to Sadao, keeping him from moving, but before he can Kaguya feels it, his Rinnegan, he's using them negate her from nearing him. If she does he'll absorb her chakra. He tries to bore them again, but everything is ruined when a sword stabs through Kaguya. Sadao's. A second Sadao, one who stayed hidden the entire time teleported behind her during the time she held them, herself held in place by Sadao using Anzu's Mangekyo. As Kaguya is distracted by these Sadao pulls Sasuke and Naruto back, the three planning their next move quickly. Sadao grins as he and Sasuke launch an Amaterasu at Kaguya she quickly absorbs the attack and Naruto moves in close creating well over a dozen clones, all of which explode covered in steam. From the steam several practically naked, sexy men appear.

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