The epilogue is basically me writing Naruto: The Last movie. So if you for some reason still haven't watched it then go do so now before reading this.
A young Sadao stands with his sister and with Mako as Ringo sits in front of them handing the three a single piece of paper each.
Sadao looks at his slip of paper confused, the eight year old shifts his gaze from it to his father. "Father, What are we doing?"
Ringo smiles. "I want you three to answer this question. Of the world were to end tomorrow, Who is the last person you want to be with."
"Last as in, person I don't want to, or last as in the only?" Mako asks.
"The only." Ringo answers.
Anzu scoffs, her head leaning on her hand bored. "Things like that will never happen."
"Maybe like, the moon will fall." Ringo says trying to convince her.
"If things like that could happen. I would hope food would fall instead of the moon." Mako jokes.
Ringo sighs. "Just write the name of the person you'd want to spend the last day of the world together with."
Sadao glances over at Mako's paper not being able to see his older brothers response as he looks at Anzu, seeing her write down their mother's name while he is unable to think of one so he assumes Mako wrote down their fathers name meaning Sadao would've been alone without his family and not knowing anyone outside of them he looks down at the paper not knowing what to write he simply begins to draw a picture of the family with everyone as fully grown adults. As he looks up an older Sadao looks at a picture on his refrigerator of him and Karin together made by one of his many, many fangirls.
The Last
Sadao stands with Anzu as they watch Naruto teaching a class to do Taijutsu as his fangirls go crazy. They shake their heads as they keep walking ignoring the fangirls and fanboys of themselves.
As many boys and girls come to offer them Rinne festival gifts they shyly accept, not being used to the attention despite wanting to go on missions Kakashi orders them to take a few days off to relax from their constant stream. They don't pay attention as Anko had left for a mission the day before. Sadao looks around finding Noda and Shizune on a date.
"Oh, t-thanks..." Sadao mutters after being handed yet another gift, this one being a box of chocolate given to him by a Chunin girl maybe in her late teens. The twenty year old walks away with a very subtle sigh.
He spends the day wandering the town until late at night when he heads to a rooftop to escape all the presents he lays down looking up at the moon as he suddenly senses a familiar energy near by. He jumps up seeing Naruto approaching, chasing someone. He perks up noticing that person carrying Hinata as Sadao jumps up and runs after them catching up quickly with Naruto.
"What happened?. Sadao asks.
"Some guy came and kidnapped Hinata!" Naruto quickly informs Sadao of the situation.
Sadao nods. "On it."
The pair continue to give chase as Sadao teleports Naruto closer to Hinata as he deals with a bunch of puppets. Before attempting to go after the original and sending Naruto after Hinata. He teleports back landing next to Naruto as a man appears in front of the trio.
"The final day is approaching. Before that..." The strange man looks down on the trio, floating above them.
Naruto growls. "You..." Naruto attempts to run after him but is stopped by Sadao.
"Before that day, I will come for you. Hinata."
The trio then watch as a meteor goes flying from the moon just past the leaf village before exploding in the distance,

The Jutsu Master
FanfictionA world of massive monsters, crazy powers, yet her I stand. One of the few left. Once we were a mighty clan, now there's only me... and a few others. This is my story first and foremost, the story a lone boy who made some friends and became great th...