Ponding feat hit the dirt as Sadao runs with Sasuke and the others chasing after Anzu and Gaara's squad. They stop suddenly as Sadao grabs some of the dirt and opens his palm tilting it slightly as sand falls from it.
"Sand... we're headed the right way." Sadao mutters. They began giving chase jumping from tree to tree. Not stopping for anything. Slowly getting closer to the Sand group. As Sadao notices that they have one extra member. "Damn it. They've met up with an ally."
Ju Ichi glances to Sadao. "Can you tell who it is?"
Sadao shakes his head. "Not perfectly. But if I were to guess, it's that Fushi guy that you beat during the preliminaries, Ju Ichi."
Ju Ichi growls. "Damn. And we're missing Eijiro."
"Actually, If you count it. Sasuke, Me, Jouji, you and Hikaru and the girl. Then there's Anzu, Gaara, Temari, Kankuro, Edo and Fushi."
"We're dead even." Joining says. "Also, her names Ishi Kogane."
"Not for long. Whilst I may have trained more in Taijutsu and sword fighting. By technicality, I'm a sensory type. We're being tailed by a few people. Naruto, Sakura, Karin, and a dog. Shikamaru was with them, but I have no clue what happened since he left my range a few minutes ago."
"So were technically at an advantage if we catch up." Kogane says.
"Then lets hurry." Sasuke says.
"It'd be best to engage them while they're down a man." The group continues until they notice a paper bomb and tripwire.
Sadao scoffs. "Trap up ahead."
"Right." The group all agree readily.
Avoiding the trap they pass it without incident until Ju Ichi in the back throws a kunai cutting the wire setting the explosion off.
Ju Ichi nods. "That should be a good indicator of where we are. As well as maybe fool the enemy into thinking we may have been caught."
Sadao shakes his head. "No. they probably have a sensory with them as well."
"So that was pointless."
Sadao grins. "No, cause now the others behind don't have to worry about the same trap. One of them's stopped." Continuing on Sadao notices one of the energies their pursuing is slowing down. "If any of them stop they'll be trying to stop us. And if we plan to advance quickly then we'd have to..." he stood, the person who stopped now standing in front of them.
The group all land in front of the stopped teammate revealing it to be Edo. "Sorry bitches. But your tracking ends here."
"...We'd have to leave one behind every time."
Ju Ichi turns to his friend surprised. "Come again?"
"If we plan to stall them all with him here one us has to stay behind to keep off our trail."
"Right. You guys go ahead." Kogane grins stepping forward.
"Alright. Good luck. Let's move!" Sadao orders.
Jouji is the last to leave as he looks towards her as she nods to him before jumping forwards as Edo attempts to catch them all using his speed when he's forced to draw a kunai and block a barrage of blades from Kogane.
"Good luck Ishi." Jouji says following his friend. They continue going leaving Ishi to her fight the battle alone.
"I'm surprised you're even standing. Didn't you get beat by Kankuro?"
Ishi scoffs. Instead of speaking she grabs a sickle and raises it read for battle.
Edo smirks. "I'm liking you more and more?"

The Jutsu Master
FanfictionA world of massive monsters, crazy powers, yet her I stand. One of the few left. Once we were a mighty clan, now there's only me... and a few others. This is my story first and foremost, the story a lone boy who made some friends and became great th...