Chapter 26: Never Too Late

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"So there's more of you cunts." Anzu glares as she looks down from atop of a collection office with Ju Ichi, Karin and Eijiro all behind her. Two Akatsuki members on the ground look up to the four as Shikamaru, Ino and Choji stand atop the building checking in the wounded Asuma. The four standing ready for action Ju Ichi having his sword drawn as Anzu has her hand on a small metal stick her hand on a button as Karin draws a small blade and Eijiro holding onto a red knife. As they stand with Aoba watching over some of the others on the floor.

"Choji, you've got to rush him to the Leaf hospital. Ino, Karin, both of you go with him and use your medical Jutsu to buy as much time as possible. Get going!" Shikamaru orders.

Ino nods. "Were on it."

Choji nods. "Yeah!"

Karin, Shikamaru, Ino, and Choji all turn their heads to one of the Akatsuki members landing on the roof as Ju Ichi gets into a defensive stance Anzu, activates her Sharingan while Eijiro's eyes flash red for a brief moment before he smirks at the man.

"I'm not giving up my bounty."

"Is that right? Your bounty money can burn for all I care. " Anzu barks. Her eyes transform into her Mangekyo Sharingan as the briefcase holding a large sum of money begins to burn with black flames. She smirks slightly before growling at him as his eyes widen and he takes a closer look at Anzu before noticing her eyes.

"An Uchiha? You're supposed to be dead. Ringo was killed years ago. Deidara said that they killed the wife and that he thought he saw the bodies of three kids there. Oh well, your head will go for much more on the market."

"You're organization has caused enough pain." She glances back. "Take Asuma and get out of here now. We'll keep these two busy." She and the male begin dueling in simple Taijutsu as Anzu attempts to simply buy time for Ino and the others to get Asuma to safety. As Ju Ichi and Eijiro jump to the ground to go head to head with the other man.

"You can fight it all you want. You're still gonna end up as part of my sacred ritual."

Ju Ichi glances to the three pronged scythe avoiding it with ease remembering his mock battle with Jouji. "That scythe looks familiar."

"Yeah, like a recolored version of JoJo's" Eijiro says kicking the scythe into the ground before kicking Hidan away.

"Oh you met Jouji? How is that little brat?"

"You know JoJo?" Eijiro asks.

"Knew him? I gave him that scythe. He reminded me so much of myself I thought he'd be very good with it."

"Well, as far as I know, we haven't seen him since the Chunin Exams a few years ago."

Hidan hums and stops suddenly. "Come on I only need a little more time sir. We're just about to get to the good part, here."

"Who is he talking to?" Ju Ichi wonders.

"I don't know." Eijiro grins. "Wanna find out?" He glances to Ju Ichi.

"Please, Sir, just a few more minutes. Is that really so much to ask?"

"Enough, Hidan." Kakazu orders his partner.

"Are they talking to someone?" Anzu ponders.

"We'll be back in no time, so prepare yourselves. Let's go Hidan."

"That blasted leader of ours, one of these days, I'll put a curse on him." Hidan pouts.

"Are they retreating? No, it seems like they don't want to leave but someone's making them. We could pursue them but then we'd cut our teams in half. Or we wait and recuperate in the leaf."

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