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"Sadao! Run!" A memory, one from when I was a few years ago... A young boy runs from the burning house behind him, metal clashing. The sound slowly becomes fainter and fainter before going away completely and everything goes black.

It's been three years, I haven't found any of them... where did you all go? What did you mean that day, Dad?

"Damn it, I need to forget about it."

I slowly pack my things. Keeping my eyes peeled, I occasionally look around a hand constantly on my sword. Once I've made sure I'm alone I make a few hand signs I'll destroy the rest of the camp now.

Fire Style: Fire Ball jutsu.

I launch the ball of flames at the campsite destroying everything not attached to me, the only trace that I was here being the scorch marks.

"Might as well keep moving."

I walk through the forest for hours until reaching a small town. I make my way through the town's market and using the money I got from hunting that boar i buy the necessary items I need: different items, some food, salt, water, also including a polish for my sword.

Let's see here... fruit, vegetables, meat, clean water. I might just do a stew tonight.

As I near the town's exit I notice a faint sound in a nearby alleyway... is that crying? I let my curiosity get to me and decide to enter the alley. Sitting quietly in a corner is a young boy and with him a girl both with red hair the girl also has red glasses crying her eyes out. The boy looks to me, his eyes a bright blue, his hair red like hers. Now, I may not be the best at helping others but hates seeing people crying especially girls.

"Hey, are you, um, are you ok? That's a stupid question. Sorry, but if you don't mind me asking, why is a pretty girl like you crying in a place like this?" I try to speak to her though the boy stays between us.

"It- it's stupid. W-why would you care?"

"Surely speaking to someone can help you, no?"

"She has someone to speak to. Who are you?"

"Sadao. And you two?"

"Huh?" She questions as the boy stay between us with his knife.

"Sadao Uchiha, that's my name. May I know yours?"

"K- Karin Uzumaki..." Karin responds, causing the boy to look at her. "And this is... my b-brother..."

"What? No... I'm Hikaru Shizuma, I'm her guardian." Hikaru keeps his knife raised, and I smile crouching down in front of the pair.

"Well, how about we talk?" This isn't something I would normally do, but if it'll help both these kids then I'll do it.

This declaration and her smile made Hikaru give a small soft smile. Throughout the following days the three of us went around the town. We'd meet early in the mornings and spend our days together, I smiled more and more as the days went on.

"It's almost time."

"Time for what?"

Karin, Hikaru & I all sit together at my campsite, after today I'll be moving to my next location, the land of rain.

"I'm going to be heading to the land of rain tomorrow morning."

"What? Why?" Karin asks as Hikaru stays silent.

"I have to stay moving every few weeks... I don't know where my family is."

"I thought you were also an orphan?" Hikaru asks himself sitting up as he stays next to Karin.

"I may be now... I've been on the move for a while now."

"How long?"

"Three years give or take."

"All on your own?"

"Yeah... I've been looking for my twin sister, and my older brother, maybe they're with my mother."

"Then I'll go with you." Karin speaks up a passion in her eyes, surprising Hikaru.

"What? You know the Uzumaki clan is constantly being hunted, why would you-"

"He's our friend, Hika, it's only be eight days bu we should help him, like he helped us."

"I can't accept it, you have families don't you?"

Both of them go silent, Karin looking to the ground as Hikaru places a hand on on her shoulder.

"Both of our parents died in a battle between ninja from the lands of grass and waterfall." Hikaru steps up and places a hand on my shoulder. "We'll be happy to travel with you."

The three traveled throughout the world with me for months. Six months later the three of us were outside the hidden leaf village. The gates are nearby, they're getting closer to us, I'm sorry you two, get to the village please. I stand sword drawn ready to fight, but before the pair of attackers reach me a masked man appears from nowhere attacking the two ninja. The man wears a headband over his eyes with silver hair, he fights the two of them by himself. Hikaru holds Karin back from one of the opposing ninja. I look at their headbands. They must be from the hidden rain village. The man fights the enemy team off on his own as a third appears trying to attack the man from behind, however he can get close to the masked ninja I burst from my cover and in a swift motion knock out the final person. I turn quickly in an attempt to avoid an attack allowing for Karin to knock one out herself. The three of us then glance over to see the masked ninja with two unconscious enemies.

"Children?" The masked man looks to the three of us, I raise my sword activating my Sharingan and notice his eye widen.

"My name's Sadao Uchiha, I've come to the hidden leaf to see if any other remaining Uchiha are here. I'm looking for my siblings. My older brother Mako, and my twin sister Anzu."

"So there were other survivors?" The man takes a step closer, but stops as I raise the sword up.

"Sir, please don't approach us."

"What's your name, young lady?"

"I'm Karin Uzumaki. As far as I'm aware, the last Uzumaki."

"I see... tell me, Sadao, who are your parents?"

"As far as I know... they're dead, what's it matter?"

"Ringo Uchiha and Akeno Mitarashi. Those are your parents, correct?"

He knew them? No, then why wasn't he there?

"I knew them. Ringo was a good friend."

"Who... are you?"

"Kakashi Hatake. Please, Sadao, follow me, I think I know someone who'll want to meet the three of you."

I stay cautious but do as told while Karin stays behind me, Hikaru keeps between Karin & I as we enter the village, this is the start of our story.

Chapter End.

So a quick thing I want you all to know. The ages of these 3 are vastly different.
Sadao is 15 years old during this portion of the story.
Karin & Hikaru are 12 & 13 respectively.

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