Chapter Fifteen: Go

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"The clouds look darker than usual don't they?" Sadao stares up to the clouds, dark and stormy, it's been a week since the attack, things have been frantic. He sighs turning his head to Anzu standing there as she looks out over the hidden leaf. Laying on the roof his black garbs for the state funeral for the third Hokage. He looks over to see the Hokage faces on the mountain.

Anzu doesn't look to him as he removes his shirt and changes to the funeral wear. "Yeah, come on, Anko those two kids are waiting for us.

"They have names y'know."

Anzu scoffs. "Whatever." The pair walk inside they hear thunder from the clouds above. They begin walking together with no words spoken between the five. They remain silent the entire way, Sadao glances over to Ju Ichi, walking with Tenten and Neji, Eijiro with Shiroi and Noda all of whom silent as they make their own ways. Until they reach Hokage mansion and stand at the funeral service Anko tearing up, Sadao solemnly looking at Hiruzen's picture, Karin looking at the mountain face, Anzu glances down apologetically. As it begins raining.

Karin glances up. "Rain." She mutters.

"It seems the sky has started to weep as well." Sadao says placing a hand on her shoulder.

"We will begin the memorial service for the Third Hokage, who lost his life in this battle, as well as other victims of this battle." One of the elders speaks.

Karin begins to tear up. "Why..? Why did he have to die?"

"I don't know." Hikaru mutters.

The pair watch as the service goes on, Anzu looks over to see Sadao keeping a hand on her shoulder and looks back to the service. They watch as everyone goes and one by one places a flower in front of the picture. He watches and closes his eyes before looking at the mountain faces.

"Noda sensei." Ju Ichi looks up to his teacher, which earns a hum. "Why do people risk their own lives for other people?" He asks.

Noda sighs. "When one person dies... their past, their present and their future disappear with them. Many die doing their duty, fighting in battle... and shockingly easily, too. Hayate was one of them. Those who pass away also have dreams and ambitions. But everyone else has something else, just as important. Whether it be parents, siblings, friends, lovers... those who are dear to them. They trust and help each other, the people whom they've cherished since the day they're born. And that string which connects those people becomes stronger and thicker as time goes on... it can't be explained by logic, though many have tried. Those who hold those strings do it because it's important to them. "

Ju Ichi nods looking back to the picture of Hiruzen. "I think I get it now."

Eijiro stares forward, his tearless face hidden amongst the rain. "But... it's tough to die."

Noda nods. "It's not like he just died for nothing, Eijiro. He left us something very important. Well, you'll eventually understand one of these days."

Eijiro nods. "Yeah, I get that."

Ju Ichi glances up as the rain slows, and eventually stops. "Huh. The rain's stopped."

Everyone begins walking away with those close to them with the exception of Eijiro who after everyone leaves, stands watching as the elders take the pictures away he stands looking at the Hokage faces. Staring at them for the time for him though he watches as the sky turns a dark grey and the colors of the world vanish.

Eijiro sighs. "I was wondering when you'd appear, Elder sister."

"You're a few years too young to be able to do anything, but you and your friends may just be able to help in the future, little brother."

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