Chapter 16-20

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"Young master, are you heading over there?"

Ron approached him as soon as he stepped out of the carriage.

"Who will go if I don't?"

Ron and the Vice Captain started to chase after Cale, who was heading toward the incident location without any hesitation. The two surrounded Cale, as if the world was going to end soon, but Cale did not care.

A man slowly walked out of the other carriage. Venion Stan.

Cale started to frown deeply as soon as he saw him. There was only one line in the file that his father Count Deruth gave him regarding Venion Stan's personality.

[A typical and authoritative noble]

Cale, well, Kim Rok Soo, could also use the information from, 'The Birth of a Hero,' to evaluate Venion.

Your typical villain.

However, it was quite a headache to meet that typical villain in real life, than it was as a character in a novel. Cale could not beat someone up for doing something bad or because he didn't like them like Choi Han could.

The situation had already escalated a bit by the time Cale arrived. In those few short moments, Choi Han had already become so angry that his shoulders were shaking violently.

"How can you get in the way of a noble person like that?"
"What the hell are you saying when someone could have gotten hurt? Who was in the way? This only happened because you were driving the carriage like a maniac!"
"Peasants should move out of the way when they see a noble's carriage. It is not my fault that this peasant was so stupid he just stood there without moving!"

Choi Han was arguing with one of Venion's lackeys, and Hans, who had been standing next to Choi Han, had a frown on his face as he approached Cale and whispered to into his ear.

"Choi Han-nim seems to be extremely agitated."

Hans seemed to have already realized that the owner of the carriage belonged to the Marquis's family. He also seemed to have realized that the person standing behind that lackey was none other than Venion Stan.

That narcissist probably only stepped out of the carriage because he saw the symbol of the Henituse family on Cale's carriage.


Venion, the man with beautiful blonde hair, gently spoke to his lackey. As soon as Venion's words came out, the lackey quickly moved behind Venion, as if he had never been angry in the first place. Only Choi Han was left huffing and puffing while consoling the scared old man.

Tsk. Cale clicked his tongue.

The lackey wasn't actually angry. He was pretty far away from Cale's carriage, but just like Venion, he probably saw the Golden Turtle on Cale's carriage. That was why he was exaggerating, being extremely loud while scolding Choi Han, so that it will draw Cale out to the scene. Hans knew what the lackey was doing, which led him to frown while waiting for Cale to arrive.

Cale glared at Venion and the lackey before putting a hand on Choi Han's shoulder.

"You too."

Cale knew why Choi Han was angry. This place was very similar to Harris Village, his second home. He was angry at the fact that these people put someone else's life in danger but didn't show even an iota of remorse, or any signs of apologizing.

However, the victim in this, the old man, was unable to get angry. It was because he did not have anything to support him like Choi Han had.

"They could have used another road, but decided not do so and could have hurt someone. How can I just let this be."
"Choi Han."

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