Chapter 581-585

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Kim Po-Chul subconsciously started to speak.

"Wait, is something like that possible?"

Joo Ho-Shik gently nodded his head.

"It is possible. You must have faith."


Kim Po-Chul gulped before turning to the side.

He could see the man who had introduced himself as Kim Rok Soo chatting with some people from his group.

Seo Joon's aunt Baek Song-Yi also asked in shock.

"Did you really survive without anybody dying? Nobody died all night?"

Her gaze and Seo Joon's gaze from within her embrace were focused on Kim Min Joon.

Choi Jung Soo's gaze was focused on Kim Min Joon as well.

Kim Rok Soo had introduced Kim Min Joon to them earlier.

'Min Joon hyung can explain to you about our situation.'

He had then started to chat with some of his group members to the side.

That was why Choi Jung Soo and the others ended up hearing about the '24-hour battle' from Kim Min Joon.

"Yes, sir. There were some people who were injured, but nobody died and so we were able to safely move to the new central shelter."

Park Mal-Sook was gasping over and over after hearing Kim Min Joon's calm response.

"So, you're saying... That young man named Kim Rok Soo used his 'foresight' ability as well as many other strong abilities to lead the battle toward victory?"

She looked as if she saw something that was unbelievable.

"Wait, how does that make any sense? How can one person-"
"You must have faith."

Joo Ho-Shik calmly started to speak.

"I used to be someone who had a lot of doubt and didn't know what to believe. But the moment I met Mr. Kim Rok Soo, I accepted that unbelievable reality and started to have faith."

Lee Jin Joo sighed while Kim Min Joon smiled awkwardly and slightly shook his head.

But Joo Ho-Shik remained firm.

"That is why you must have faith."

His gaze then moved to Seo Joon who was in Baek Song-Yi's arms.

"Did I lie about anything?"

Seo Joon and the others flinched for a moment, but Seo Joon started to speak once Baek Song-Yi nodded her head.

"Not at all! That uncle and the mister both spoke the truth!"

Seo Joon pointed toward Kim Min Joon and Joo Ho-Shik and was full of confidence.


That was why Kim Po-Chul and Park Mal-Sook gasped.

It was at that moment.

"How is your dinner?"

Cale had walked over and started to speak.

It was less gentle and more stoic than earlier, but it sounded more comfortable, probably because that was Cale's normal tone.

But the people who were on the receiving end of that question were not feeling good.


Kim Po-Chul started to speak and Cale looked at him with a confused expression.

Kim Po-Chul finished his question after seeing his gaze.

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