Chapter 396-400

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"It is right here."

They were at a tower with no windows slightly away from the central palace.
There were quite a lot of knights and soldiers surrounding the tower and guarding the only entrance inside.

Crown prince Alberu pointed at the door.

"The underground prison is located underneath this tower."
"Thank you for guiding me here."

Nobody dared to openly look at Alberu and Cale who were casually chatting.

– Human! They are all peeking at you!

However, all of the soldiers, knights, and even the palace officials in the distance were focused on Cale and Alberu.
It was because this was a meeting between two people who would be the Roan Kingdom's pillars for a long time.

Alberu casually commented at that moment as if it was nothing.

"Young master Cale, I guess everybody was curious to see if you were still alive? They keep peeking at you."

The knight standing right outside the tower entrance flinched.

There had been rumors about how he was in a coma or dead since Cale's battle at the Jungle such that many people in the Roan Kingdom were still talking about him.

So, it was obvious that they would all focus on him today, especially because he came to the underground prison with Alberu.
Alberu leisurely continued to speak.

"Not everybody working in the palace are my people, so I'm sure that many nobles will know about your condition soon enough."

Cale had a stoic expression as Alberu laughed, but the knights and soldiers nearby could not be at peace listening to this statement.
Alberu was saying that there were people in the palace who were providing information to other nobles.

The crown prince looked around at the knights nearby before casually commenting once again.

"Well, I'm sure you will all do what you have to do. Isn't that right?"

Alberu looked at Cale and smiled brightly. Cale held back his sigh after seeing the crown prince's public smile.

'How wicked.'

Cale had to hold himself back from shaking his head at Alberu's actions.

Alberu Crossman currently had the Roan Kingdom's greatest Mage Brigade under his command. Furthermore, although he had no backing behind him as the first prince, he was well-respected by the knights as a high-grade swordsman.

The fact that someone like that was acting like this right now meant that some of the knights here were providing information to one of the more powerful nobles in the Kingdom.

'He really is good at his work.'

Cale knew Alberu would run a tight ship as king since Alberu didn't show even the smallest of openings as he was leading Cale around.

However, Cale just smiled modestly and responded.

"Of course. How can everybody not do their jobs well when we are around you, our future sun, your highness?"
"Haha, I knew we understood each other well. Hahahaha."
'Thank you for feeling that way, your highness. Hahaha!"

Cale and Alberu both laughed out loud.

– ...Both of you are laughing so weirdly.

Of course, Cale was just playing along with Alberu's act.

"Open the door."
"Yes, your highness!"

The still laughing Alberu gave the order and two knights quickly opened the door to the tower leading down to the underground prison.

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