Chapter Two

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Noise. Screeching noise. It consumed my every thought, my every bone, as I felt the movement of the box jolt suddenly, moving upward as it gained speed by the second. I sighed, placing my head in my hands. Why me? Why did it have to be me? I thought to myself as I shook my head, refusing to let myself cry. I had to do as I was told. If not for WICKED, then for the credibility of the research. It all went towards creating an antidote, which went towards saving lives. Do it for the innocent lives being taken each day by the Flare. I told myself. I curled up in a ball, cowering in the corner of the all too familiar box as I assumed the facial expression of a terrified, confused little girl. I would know, I once had that face on for real. The first time I entered the Glade, Glade that is, I was terrified. Although, the people I was about to meet were, I'm sure, even more terrified when they arrived. From what that woman was saying, they knew a lot less than Group B. I sighed, twiddling my thumbs as I waited for the Box to stop. It should only be a few minutes now. I figured, tapping my foot impatiently as I waited. Try to think of this on the upside. Maybe you can make some new friends. Have some new experiences. It's not like you were being tested, that woman said so herself. Maybe they'd go easy on you, Lilli. Maybe they won't see you as a threat at all. Maybe they'll even welcome you, just like they would do back in Group B. I thought to myself, trying to calm my breathing as the loud box finally screeching to a halt. Show time. I took a deep breath, only exhaling when the doors into the Glade opened above me, casting bright, incandescent light upon me as I squinted, blocking my eyes from the sun. I heard voices mumbling above me, before I felt the box jolt with the new weight of a grown person. Ah yes, the infamous "Greenie Welcome", I thought to myself as I heard gasps coming from all around me. I didn't just say that out loud did I? Thankfully, that wasn't what they were gasping at, because it was only after I removed my hand from my eyes as a sun shield, that I realized how odd just the nature of e being there truly was.

"I-Is that a bloody Girl, Gally?" I British voice echoed above me. It was most definitely a male voice. Wait a minute, why were they so shocked about my gender? I thought this place was supposed to be filled with girls! I mean, wasn't that the nature of these tests? That's when it occurred to me, what kind of scientist would test only one gender, and not the other. Only the work of an amateur, and WICKED, despite the fact that they were many, many things, was not an anything.

"Yeah, mate. It's a shucking girl." A strong, deep voice came from directly above me. The boy who had jumped into the box. I looked up at him, taking in his features. He had brown eyes, short, dirty blonde hair, and crazy eyebrows that gave him the apparent look of constant astonishment. Although, I might be speaking from a fairly impartial moment, seeing as how he actually was in obvious astonishment. He was quite solid, muscular, and extremely tall, the fact that he was towering over me wasn't really helping the situation. He seemed to be taking my appearance in as well, before he blinked, looking away, almost as though in embarrassment. He extended a hand, which I took, but only after a moment of looking from him, back towards his hand. I had seen a lot of Greenies do this same thing when they would first enter our Maze, so I figured it would play along with the whole "I have no idea what the hell is going on" appearance. He lifted me up, setting me on the ground of the Maze. Climbing out after me and offering me a hand up. I took it, laying my small, delicate hand in his large, strong one.

"Name's Gally, Greenie. This here is Newt, and this is Alby. He's our leader here. Welcome, to the Glade." The boy who had helped me out of the box, Gally, said roughly. I shook slightly, trying to appear as helpless as possible. And then, I did something that so very many of our new Gladers did when they became scared and panicked. I figured it was probably pretty common here as well. Although, these were boys, so who knows. Either way, I took off running, sprinting as fast as my legs would carry me. My slight figure was an advantage towards running, however, my weak muscles were not. As soon as I was out of the crowd, I started looking around. Holy Crank...this was nothing like the Glade I was used to. It was an open field for God's sake! I noticed a shack here and there, crafted poorly from sticks and rope, but that was it. How were you suppose to conduct research in those hideous buildings! In the Glade I was used to, there were established, clean brick buildings, with proper research equipment and state of the art technology. Perfect for working tirelessly on serums, antidotes, every drug under the sun. Here, there were trees, and this seemingly endless field. However, it was only a moment before I spotted the walls. Ah yes, at least that was the same. The same dull shade of gray, the same eerie feeling that something bad was always on the verge of happening. I continued sprinting, looking back momentarily, only to see the large group of people standing completely still. I guess this was normal. And, just as I had suspected, they were all boys. Every single one of them. Oh God...WICKED is going to pay for this one when I get back. Whenever that is... I heard a few hoots and hollers, but I ignored them, continuing to sprint. I had covered post of the ground, I was only a few yards away from the entrance to the Maze now. Obviously, I wasn't going in, but I wanted to make them believe that I didn't know any better. I began to hear screams coming from the boys, they were yelling for me to stop. I did as told, but only after nearing the entrance. All too close for my taste. I backed up, turning 360 degrees as I pretended to take in the scenery. Most of the boys were catching up to me now. Man, they really underestimated me. If I hadn't stopped running, I could have easily made it out of the Maze before they caught me. They really needed to work on catching on faster. I had a look of fake confusion and fear plastered on my face, one that I had seen all too many times before in my Glade.

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