Chapter Twenty-One

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We sort of lost track of time after that. Of course, it was dark, so time wasn't much of a concern at that point. Everyone was too tired to bother traveling any farther, and we most likely wouldn't know which way to go anyway. Somehow, a couple of the boys had managed to collect enough brush from the vines to create a fire in the middle of the small courtyard area, as we all gathered around it, sitting with such leisure it almost appeared as a scenario of normal teenagers having a joyous bonfire. The only thing that ruined the beautiful imagery was the constant sound of distant Griever shrieks, the constant reminder of our abnormality in society. I stared around at the familiar faces, Shai cuddled into a smiling Minho as they stared at the flames in front of them. Zart, Clint and Winston laughing and talking, filling the air with an inexplicable warmth that a simple fire could never accomplish. Chuck striking up discussion with and intrigued Thomas, and a sleepy Newt with his head lazily curled into Thomas' lap as his fingers absentmindedly played with the tall boy's golden blonde locks. It was probably the most adorable thing I had seen in my entire life, not that that was saying much. I smiled, watching intently as Frypan picked the leaves of off spare vines, tossing them lightly into the fire, watching them go up in a whisp of smoke with delight. I leaned my head on Gally's shoulder as he kissed the top of my head, and I couldn't help but blush slightly as Zart noticed, smirking and wiggling his eyebrows jokingly as I laughed. Suddenly, Newt turned over, so that he was facing directly up at the sky, Thomas moving his hand from Newt's hair to his hand, intertwining their fingers together slightly as Newt smiled.

"What do you think it's gonna be like out there? Outside the Maze, I mean." I was tempted to tell him as the crowd became silent, all in thought, but I didn't have the heart to ruin their expectations. Winston smirked.

"I bet there's shuckin' rainbows, everyday! A-and the sun's always shinin'!" he imagined gleefully. Well, the sun definitely was shining all the time. It just wasn't particularly pleasant.

"Yeah! And nobody wants to hurt anybody!" Zart Zart chimed in. Nope, not true.

"And there's never a shortage of shuckin' delicious food!" Frypan said eagerly. Everyone chuckled lightheartedly at this. What he didn't realize was that the only food out there would be us. I sigheed, listening to them as they went on about these unimaginable, glorious realities where all was at peace, all the while Minho's eyes were locked with mine. Just staring, judging...and staring. I knew it was because he knew better than to believe them, especially after the kinds of things I'd told him. He knew better than to believe the world was perfect outside these walls. But before either of us could say anything, it was Chuck who spoke up.

"Somethin' tells me it's gonna be awful out there. Just awful..." I furrowed my eyes together, mostly because I didn't want to know that someone so young and innocent could have such dark, realistic thoughts for reality.

"Why's that, Chuck?" I asked softly. He just shrugged, calm and rational unlike the rest of these daydreamers.

"Because if the world out there is so wonderful out there, it wouldn't make sense to do something like this." He gestured up and around him as he scanned the seemingly unending walls. I sighed, scooting slightly closer to him and softly patting his back in a sympathetic manner. He sighed, looking up at me and giving me a small smile as he shrugged.

"It's ok," He said softly, "it'd just be wishful thinking to think of anything else." I closed my eyes nodding as I was suddenly overwhelmed with more regret and sorrow for what I had done that I could possibly manage. I had done this to him. I had made him this way, taken away his childhood. This was nothing short of child abuse. I guess I'd always known intellectually what I was doing, but not until I'd gotten a taste for the other side, did I even start to understand. Even then, we were safe inside the buildings. But then I got transferred...and I don't think I could ever look at my job the same again. There was no way in hell that I could go back to that. That life of stealing children's memories, torturing them and scaring them in fearing the worst out of everything and everyone. Gally had been about Chuck's age, maybe a little older, when he first came to the Glade. Same with Minho, and Newt...and Alby. This was sick. And cruel. And I was disgusted with myself for ever being a part of it. Even if I was just a kid, I wasn't anymore. Because the moment I looked into Chuck's, gray, emotionless eyes, and realized that he had lost his childhood against his will- I realized that mine had also ended. Because you can't see something like that, and keep your innocence, completely unscathed.

"Chuck..." I said sympathetically, but he just shook his head, looking down as he dug into his pockets, pulling out a small figurine. A wooden doll. Most people had continued on with their own conversations, but I wasn't ready to let him let go of his own childhood.

"My parent's gave me this, least I think they did. But...I- I want you to give to them. If you find them, I want you to give it to them. An-"

"Chuck. Don't talk like that, man. Give it to them yourself. When you see them again." I said, a hopeful smile on my face. Chuck smiled a bit, shaking his head.

"You didn't let me finish, Lilli. I...I want you to tell that I love them. I'll always love them." I bit my lip, wrapping my arms around the boy, who was mature far beyond his years.

"Don't say that, Chuck." I whispered. He sighed, shrugging slightly as I tightened my grip around him.

"Not saying it doesn't make it any less true, Lilli. It's just the way things go. Not everyone's meant to be the hero. Someone's gotta be there, on the sidelines, cheering people like you on. And it's really not as bad as it sounds, Lil. I've loved being on the sidelines." I didn't realize that there were tears in my eyes until one ran down my cheek. Sighing, I wiped it away, giving him a small smile.

"Anyone can be a hero, Chuck. Anyone" He smiled, giving me a hug, but he didn't say anything after that. Just stared at the flames. He watched them with such intensity, as if the very essence of his soul had been captivated within them.

A/N: Sorry for the short update but I just wanted to give you guys a little extra something because you all have been so active in reading my updates and just supporting me I'm so grateful! And thanks so much for 500+ reads! i know to some people that might not be a lot but it really means the world to me so tysm <3 And I've been really on a mission today to finish the story so I might just be updating again shortly! Xx

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