Chapter Three

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After the tour had finished, Gally hadn't wasted much time lingering about to help me get my barrings. I think he had said something about, 'needing to have a builders meeting', or something. Either way, he basically left me in the middle of the Glade, alone, and very much confused. When I had obliged to being sent up here, I didn't realize that I would have to gain a whole other branch of skills just to survive! I definitely did not sign up for this! Sighing, I sat down in the middle of the ope field, shaking slightly as I laid my head in my hands.

"Alright, listen up WICKED..." I said quietly.

"If this place is anything at all like my Glade, then you have listening devices around here somewhere. Beetle-blades, that's what we called them. Anyway, listen up, ok? I did not sign up for this. I had no idea that this was going to be some sort of fitness galore kind of Glade, filled with physical trials and tribulations that I would have to face every day inside and out. This was not the plan. I don't know why I have to be here, I mean, if you needed a girl why couldn't you at least take a girl that was physically equipped to handle this kind of stuff! I mean, I know we weren't the strongest of girls, physically speaking I mean, but I'm sure at least Beth could've handled herself out here, right? Or maybe, I don't know, Delilah or someone! But me? I mean, come on! Who were you trying to kid, here!? I'm not gonna make it here and you know it! So why? Why me, huh!? Why me..." I whisper/ yelled as a couple hot tears rolled down my cheeks.

"Ahem..." A voice above me sounded. I turned around, looking up to find an awkward looking Chuck standing next to me.

"H-How long have you been there?" I asked nervously.

"Umm, maybe about 3 seconds..?" Chuck guessed. I sighed in relief.

"Oh, ok. Sorry for breaking down a bit there." I laughed a bit, but he just smiled, shrugging it off.

"Nah, it's no big deal. You're new, you're allowed to be terrified out of your mind. Actually, I'm pretty sure we're all terrified out of our mind." He chuckled, as he sat down next to me. I smiled, silently thanking hi for his support.

"Thanks, Chuck." He nodded.

"So, any idea what job you might be interested in?" I shrugged. The only one that sounded like something I could even be remotely good at was the Med-Jacks, but it also worried me to be placed in a job where I had so much skill and experience, it might blow my cover as a confused, girl with no memories what-so-ever.

"I'm not quite sure. I don't think I'm cut-out to be a builder, that's for sure..." I chuckled. Chuck smiled, shaking his head.

"Yeah, maybe not. I guess we'll just have to see, though. You never know." I looked at him in confusion.

"What do you mean?" He looked at me as though it was obvious.

"Well, I just mean, because you have to try all of the jobs before you get assigned one. The job that you're the best at is the job you get. I mean, unless of course you really don't want that job." Chuck laughed a bit, light-halfheartedly staring up at the sky. Oh great.

"But don't worry about the Builders too much, Gally's the Keeper of them. And something tells me, he'll go a little easier on you..." Chuck snickered. I raised an eyebrow, glancing over at him as he attempted to hold in his childish giggles.

"What's that suppose to mean?" I asked, half accusingly, half out of curiosity. Chuck just smiled, shrugging.

"Oh, nothing. Come on, we should get back to the kitchen. It's about time for dinner, and then we've got the bonfire! Ooh, you'll love the bonfire! We have one every time a new Glader arrives! Kind a welcoming thing I guess!" Chuck said, smiling as we got to our feet. He took my hand, practically dragging me over towards the kitchens. Bonfire? They had fires, here? For fun? Maybe, but at least they had fun. Maze B was nothing like this. We barely ever smiled. In fact, all we ever did was research, work. It was the only thing we could do, anyone who stopped before their break time was, well, let's just say the cranks roamed free through our streets for a reason. They may have been psychotic and cannibalistic, but they enforced the law around there. Here, it seemed like they were as free as a summer breeze.

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