Chapter Twenty-Six

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 Gally smiled, joyously kissing my cheek as he scooped me up in his arms once more, this time there was far more pep in his step.

"We- We're really gonna get out of here! After all this time!" He said, a smile plastered on his face as he walked briskly down the industrially lit hallway. The port closed behind us as I kept my arms wrapped around his neck for support as he carried me bridal style. Once again, I saw the infamous 'Exit' sign sitting promptly above the door at the end of the hall. This was the moment of truth. Gally set me down.

"I think you deserve this." He said smiling. I bit my lip to keep from smiling more than I was, as I ever so nervously placed my hand on the knob...and turned. The door creaked open, and the lights immediately flicked on. I gasped. For as soon as I took a single, hobbling step into the room- I recognized it. It was a lab. Filled with technology, computers, high tech screens- and dead bodies. Shocked, I clapped my hand over my mouth to keep from shrieking. Lab technicians, everywhere. Bloodied and shot. Some of the blood was still relatively fresh from what I could tell.

"Holy Shuck!" Gally said in shock. I knew these people. I worked with these people. Then did Gally. The only difference was, he didn't remember. I gasped looking around as I realized they must've been ambushed. But by who? We walked around the facility in silence, Gally mostly in awe of everything he was seeing, and me, mostly taking in every moment, every memory I had from this place. I was trained here. Spent so much of my time here. Shai and I used to play with the monitors for fun. Shai. She should be here with us. They all should. Yet, they were still out there. In the every darkening Maze. I stood there, balanced on my crutches, when it suddenly struck me. The Maze. They were in the Maze. And we were here. In the facility. That held the technology to control the Maze.

"Gally! That's it! I've got it!" I said, a grin spreading across my face as I made my way over towards one of the screens, dumping the dead corpse out of a nearby wheely chair and sitting down. I think Gally was slightly taken aback by my slightly insensitive action, but I didn't have time for sympathy. Besides, Greg hadn't been the greatest guy in the world to begin with. I smiled, turning on the monitors, thankful to see that it still had plenty of battery. Breathing in relief, I noticed that it was still signed in with Greg, so I wouldn't have to log-in using my pass code information, because I figure that would raise a hell of a lot of questions from Gally. It wasn't that big of a deal in actuality, Gally had his own pass code information as well. He just didn't remember it. I smiled, turning back to see if Gally had caught on yet. Judging by his seriously confused face, I decided he hadn't.

"I think if I can hack this computers, I can use their methods of monitoring the Maze to find the rest of the group." I said, confident in my methods as I quickly pulled up the monitoring system on the computer. Gally was beaming, taking a seat next to me.

"Wow! You're pretty good at this stuff!" He said in astonishment. I smiled, nodding slightly as I pursed my lips.

"Yeah,'s all pretty simple really." I said promptly, as I opened the overhead view of the Maze. It was just as I remembered it. I scanned along the giant screen, zooming in and out as I looked for the red dots that I so meticulously remembered as markers for human life form. I sat for several minutes, Gally watching for a while, then getting up to inspect the facility, then coming back over to sit and watch again. It was such a large Maze, and humans are such a little species. Then suddenly, I spotted them.

"There! Gally, I found them! They're right over here!" I said, zooming in and pointing towards the cluster of red dots, probably around 20, all stopped. Gally raised an eyebrow.

"Wait, why aren't they moving? Are they ok?" I bit my lip nervously, clicking on each one to check their life status. Sighing in relief, they were all still alive. "

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