Chapter Twenty-Three

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As we continued on, I became painfully obvious as to just how much pain I was truly in. Every step became increasingly difficult, the added weight to my one fully functional leg was beginning to feel the wrath of not working out more regularly, and the crutches pressed up against my armpits in a fashion that resembled dull, repetitive stabbing. I didn't say anything, but I knew that people were starting to notice as more and more people offered their hand as help or stabilization for me, all of which I rejected. Gally would glance back at me every few seconds, and despite the fact that I knew he was just trying to be sweet- I really wished he would stop. Did everybody doubt that I could do this? I sighed, shaking my head as I turned my gaze towards the concrete. I heard voices, fumbling about ahead, but I didn't bother looking up until I felt a solid hand gently grabbing my shoulder. I stopped suddenly, looking up to see none other than Gally standing beside be, concern covering his face. I sighed.

"Gally I can do thi-"

"Lilli. Asking for help doesn't make you weak. It makes you strong enough to admit when you've reached your limit." Gally said softly. I just chuckled lightly, shaking my head as I continued on. Gally stopped me again, however.

"Gally I told you I can-"

"No you can't, Lilli!" He said, his voice louder and more decided than I had expected. I was taken aback slightly. Gally sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he shook his head.

"Lilli, you can't keep going like this. You're so shucking stubborn, you'd let the pain kill you before you ask for help! It's not healthy. You've strained yourself so much these past few days, and you've only given in when the pain was physically crippling! So I'm telling you, right now, that you need to stop. It's time to stop, Lilli." I sighed, my eyes focusing on the ground beneath me. I knew deep down that he was right. I didn't know how much farther I could go like this. That didn't mean that I would enjoy admitting that he was right. Eventually, I felt his gentle finger underneath my chin, lifting it up slightly. I sighed, smiling slightly as he kissed me delicately on the lips.

"Are you mad at me?" He asked softly, sticking his bottom lip out in mock pouting. I laughed, blushing as I shook my head.

"Nooooo." I mumbled, drawing out the 'o' as he chuckled, kissing me on the cheek.

"Good. I don't know what I'd do if you were mad at me." I smiled, rolling my eyes playfully. He always knew how to make me feel better. I looked around, noticing that everyone had decided to take a well needed rest break. Most people were drinking water, a few were eating plain bread. I sighed.

"So if I'm not allowed to walk, how am I suppose to get there?" I asked. Gally smiled, turning around and bending down slightly.

"I'll carry you!" My mouth hung open slightly. Was I really going to be carried the rest of the way? Me, with the broken foot, and by the end of trip- Gally would be on that list for broken back!

"Well, technically, we take turns carrying you. Despite shuck face's complainin' over here, it would be too much for one guy to do for the rest of the trip." Minho chimed in as he made his way over towards us, hand in hand with Shai. I smiled at the sight of them together.

"Minho, I told you I can-"

"Not happening, shuck-face. I don't care how many trees you've lifted, or whatever it is that you did in the Glade. There's no reason for one guy to carry someone when we have 20 plus guys available. No arguments." Gally groaned, rolling his eyes as I laughed, resting my head gently on his bicep.

"Is somebody jealous?" I cooed jokingly as Gally rolled his eyes.

"Pfffft, no! I just don't want 20 other guys carrying the beautiful girl that I may very well be-" I looked up at him expectantly. What was he about to say?"Falling for." He finished, quieter than the rest of his speech. I blushed, smiling slightly as I stood on my one tip toe, using his shoulders for balance as I kissed him sweetly.

"Don't worry, Gally. I don't want anyone else." I whispered. He smiled, nodding.

"Alright, shanks! Break's over! We gotta keep moving if we wanna make it to the exit door with time to spare! Gally- you take first round carrying Lilli. Thomas can take her after you." Minho said, nodding promptly before he began jogging, letting everyone else to follow his lead. Gally bent down slightly, allowing me to carefully maneuver my small body onto his back using my still fully functional foot. Once I was stabilized on his back, he wrapped his arms around my legs, and began jogging as we caught up with the others.

A/N: Sorry if this was basically a really short, filler chapter. I know it's kinda dragging on a bit, but I promise I just have to write these parts so that everything makes sense. Something really interesting is going to happen really soon I promise! It's actually in the very next chapter! Yay!!! So please bare with me because I know that sometimes the filler chapters aren't as interesting to read, but I promise it's leading up to a suspenseful and dramatic ending!

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