Chapter Twenty-Five

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"Turn left here." I said flatly. I knew we must getting close now. I remembered it all from before. The ways the walls were shaped, patterns in the cement, even little things like the way vines grew. Maybe if I would've made a decent runner. That is, if I was more athletic. Way more athletic.

"Are you ok, Gally? Do you wanna stop? I can walk for a bit if you need a break or-"

"Lilli, as long as you're with me, there's no way I won't be ok." Gally said, and I could tell that he was smiling, even without looking at his face. I smiled, nodding.

"I think we're getting close." After a moment of silence. Gally nodded."Yeah, something in the air's changed." I raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"What?" I said, curious to find out what it was that he sensed.

"It just feels more..."

"Industrial?" I asked, noticing that most of the vines had died down at this point. Gally shook his head."I was gonna say evil, but I think I have a better word for it."

"And what's that?"

"Wicked." I smiled to myself, nodding.

"I'd say that's a pretty good choice of vocabulary." I said, my mood slightly improved. And just then, we had rounded the final corner. There it was. The long, Maze alleyway, with the odd shaped port at the end of it. I smiled.

"I'm gonna go out on a limb here, and say that that strange looking door thing at the end of that suspicious looking hallway is our ticket to freedom. I smiled, nodding.

"Yep! That's it." I smiled. The only thing that would have made it better would've been having all of the other Gladers here to celebrate with us.

"There's pass codes to get in, but we cracked it last time." Gally nodded, walking forward into the alley way. He set me down in front of the screens next to the port, handing me my crutches for balance. But this time, the requested pass codes were different. Different amount of spaces. I bit my lip. There were still three pass codes, but they were different from last time. The first one seemed pretty obvious.


I typed, and the pass code was accepted. The second two had riddles to accompany the pass code. I sighed, shaking my head. They weren't this hard last time. The first question read:

The keeper of the secrets that you locked away and hid,

The final note, you know she jumped- but they always claimed she slid.

And now from your darkened secrets you never can hide,

Because the ground killed more than just the Glue that Dried.

I suppressed a gasp, covering my hand with my mouth as I blinked back tears. How did they know? But of course. They always knew.

"What is it, Lilli?" Gally said, a few feet back so as to give me privacy. I shook my head. Stories from my past were stories for another time. Especially this one. It was painful enough to think about Group B in general, but to relive this particular moment...aloud? No thank you.

"Nothing. Just...I thought I remembered old friend." I said, a small smile spread across my lips in remembrance as I typed the pass code into the box.


I felt more and more memories flowing back as I stood there, reading over the final riddle.

A four letter word

A single syllable

And something you claim you've never had.

But we all know that isn't true.

I was stumped. What was that suppose to mean? Something I claim I've never had? I mean, there was a lot of things I didn't have. A family. A home. A home? Was that it? I typed in the letters, but they came up incorrect. I sighed. What else was there? I didn't understand.

"How's it comin', Lil?" His voice echoed from behind me. I turned to face him, and he was watching me intently, a small smile on his adorable face. And the instant that my bright green eyes connected with his soothing olive ones- I knew. I knew exactly what the riddle was talking about, and it was because of him. Those beautiful eyes, that smile that could charm the most horrendous of beasts, and those dorky eyebrows that could very possibly be mistake for a very small eagle that had plasters it's wings onto his face, mid flight. Everything about him, the freckles, the fact that he was leaps and bounds taller than me, the way his hands fit perfectly with mine. All of it. I loved all of it. I loved all of him. I was grinning from ear to ear, and he chuckled.

"What is it, Lilli? You look like just figured out you could, I don't know, fly or something!" I smiled, giggling at his sense of humor. I shook my head, smiling to myself at my new found realization.

"Nothing. I just, I know the last pass code." I smiled, turning quickly towards the screen and typing in the final answer to the final riddle.


And just like that, the door opened.

A/N: Sorry for yet another short chapter! I just really wanted to update for all of you! Thank you all for being such amazing readers, and don't worry I'll be updating again shortly! The next chapter will be longer, I promise!

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