Chapter Five

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I woke the next morning in an uncomfortable hammock, with the definite sounds of snoring coming from all around me. Groaning, I rubbed my eyes, slipping out the death bag that was my new bed, lacing up my combat boots as I decided to go for a walk. Funny, I didn't remember the clothes I was wearing from yesterday, I had never owned anything quite like it. They were far more acclimated for outdoor ruckus, definitely more athletically demanding a well. In Maze B I was so used to having my trusted white lab coat with simple slacks and blouse. Stepping out of the Homestead, I padded over towards the kitchens, deciding to get my food early. The kitchen was completely deserted, besides the large boy would cooked the meals, I believe someone said his name was Frypan?

Mornin' Lilli! Up already!?" I smiled, nodding as I yawned.

"Snoring woke me up." I lied. Frypan chuckled, serving me my eggs and bacon as I sat down at a table alone. The truth was that I was used to waking up at this time. It was expected of us in Maze B, we had to be working by 5am sharp, and we didn't stop until noon for lunch. After exactly 10 minutes of break, we go right back to our jobs until 10pm, then we stop and have 10 minutes to get ready. My thoughts of the "good ol' days" were interrupted by a figure sitting down beside me. Newt.

"Hey there, Greenie. Why up so bloody early?" He chuckled, setting down his tray of breakfast as he instantly dug into the warm comfort food. I smiled, shrugging.

"Just woke up, that's all." He nodded, obviously not fully convinced, but satisfied with that answer.

"Well hey! You should be excited for today! You get to try out your first job! You'll be tryin' 'em out all week, and then the end of the week we all decide together which one you should get. Good that, great bloody fun I always thought." Newt smiled cheerfully. Even in his cheerful eyes, there were traces of pain, ancient and scarred, but pain none the less. I ignored it for the time being, smiling in response.

"Sounds interesting. So, what job am I starting off with?" Newt smiled, a bit of a cheeky grin on his face.

"Well, I know how annoying this is gonna be for you, shank, but you're with the Builders today." At first, I was confused. Why would I be upset about being with Gally. I furrowed my eyebrows together, about to retort that I was actually surprisingly pleased, before I caught on to the sarcasm dripping off of his words. I chuckled, blushing slightly as I shook my head.

"Oh, c'mon Greenie. Don't play innocent with me. Really, there's no need to. I think it's kinda cute how you drool over him." He chuckled, winking as I scoffed, slapping his arm lightly in mocking shock.

"Newt! I do not! Jeez! We're just friends, ok?" I chuckled, shaking my head as we finished our food. Newt smirked, shrugging.

"Hey, it's no skin off my nose, Greenie. I just call it as I see it." He winked. I smiled.

"Oh, well in that case, you wouldn't mind if I mentioned to Thomas how you've been ogling him?" I raised an eyebrow, as Newt blushed like crazy.

"You keep your bloody trap shut, Greenie." Newt threatened jokingly, as I smirked playfully, heading off towards the Builders.

Once I had arrived towards a meeting the Builders were just finishing up, Gally lead them all over towards a damaged wall in the back of the kitchen which we were going to be repairing today. I smiled, eager to start, despite my obvious lack of physical strength. Gally smiled, walking up to me as the others walked of to start in on the repair work.

"Ahh, yes. Alby told me you'd be working with me, today." Gally said, smiling a bit as he crossed his arms across his chest. I smiled, putting my hands on my hips.

"Alright then, where should I begin?" I said, gesturing towards the kitchen where the others had gone. Gally snickered, shaking his head.

"Not likely, Lilli. We're running a shuck load behind schedule, so I think it'd be better if you just stayed out of the way. Now don't take that personal, it's just a simple assessment of physical build, in comparison with the amount of weight you could carry around here, alright? The fact is we both know you're not 'physically inclined', to be shucking nice about it, so how about you just go collect us some twine and tools, and that can be you contribution, good that?" Gally said, smiling despite his obvious seriousness towards the situation. I furrowed my km eyebrows, crossing my arms across my chest as I shook my head.

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