Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Everyone stood there in silence, the only noise the static of the monitors in the background as their rushed breathing turned into that filled with confusion and hurt. All thinking to themselves:

"How could we have never known? How could they take those memories away from us? Destroy our childhood and take away our pasts?"

How did I know that they were thinking this? Because I had thought the exact same thing, as I watched my friends running back towards the safety of WICKED's facility. I thought about everything I'd done to them, and still- they trusted me. They followed me blindly, with absolutely no idea of the kind of tales I'd spun, lies I'd told- straight to their face. I saw Shai eyeing me from the corner of the room, concern crossing her face. Slowly but surely, she shook her head, as if to say:

"Don't think about, Lilli. You've made it this far, just put the past behind you. Don't do this."

I bit my lip, staring at the ground., when I heard a small voice from beside me. I looked up.

"So, my parents...they're dead...aren't they?" Chuck said, his voice cracking slightly as I sighed, shaking my head slowly.

"I...I really don't know, Chuck. I wish I knew..." I muttered, suddenly feeling more than anything that I had let down this poor, innocent kid, who wanted nothing more than to find his parents. He bit his lip, nodding slowly.

"So...I don't have a family..." I wasn't sure if it was a statement or a question, but either way, I shook my head.

"Yes you do, Chuck." I said, kneeling down so that I was looking up towards him.

"You have all of us. And we...we will never, never leave you. Never Chuck, ok?" I said softly, placing a hand on his arm lightly. He smiled softly nodding.

"Do you want this back?" I asked, taking the small doll out from my pocket and handing it to him. He shook his head, smiling softly.

"No, you keep it. I wanted to give it to my family...and I did." I smiled, wrapping my arms around the boy as he hugged me back. I guess, up to that point, I'd seen the moment as a girl, comforting a boy for the loss of his family. But I realize now, that I may have very well needed someone like him, far more than he needed someone like me.

"We're your family, Chuck." Thomas said, patting Chuck on the back as I released him from the hug. Minho and Shai came up to him as well, and it felt just like a classic, family reunion sort of moment. Everyone cared for each other, and nothing hurt. It was beautiful, and serene, and somehow I knew that it couldn't last.

"I know that...Lilli and I haven't known you guys that long, but I really love you guys. And I mean that." Shai said, smiling as she intertwined her fingers with Minho's, and I watched intently as he blushed. Well, that was a first. I smiled, as Frypan's lip started quivering, and he wrapped his arms around Shai's small body.

"Aww! You gonna make me cry! Damn you!" Frypan said, laughing as Shai chuckled, patting his back with her free hand as everyone laughed, taking in the moment as one of great spiritual and bonding appreciation. I smiled, as Frypan sniffled lightly, letting go of Shai as he wiped away a few stray tears, chuckling to himself. I smiled, wrapping my arms around Gally's waist as he wrapped an arm around my shoulder. Silence had overtaken the room, but somehow, it wasn't uncomfortable or filled with empty, unfinished business. It felt safe, like everyone here would look out for each other, no matter what the circumstances.

"Guys...where's Zart?" I asked cautiously, suddenly realizing that I hadn't been paying very close attention to the amount of red dots still on the screen as I monitored our progress. As mourn filled silence filled the room, I instantly regretted asking- and ruining the single happy moment we had all had as a group in...well, a long time. Newt bit his lip, staring at the ground as he shook his head slowly.

"He didn't make it." Was all he said. Thomas sighed, nodding slowly as he wrapped an arm gently around Newt's waist. I nodded.

"What happened?" I asked Gally quietly. He sighed, biting his lip.

"He got stung. When you were blocking the Grievers...he ran through anyways...thought you were...look, Lilli it doesn't matter anyway. He was going crazy." Gally said softly. I shook my head in confusion.

"He thought I was a what, Gally?" He sighed.

"A traitor." Gally said, his voice just barely audible. I pursed my lips together, nodding. I didn't blame him, I wouldn't trust me either.

"And other's joined in...right?" I asked, hopeful for a different answer to the one I knew I was about to receive. Gally closed his eyes.

"Only a few and we-"

"No, Gally, it's fine. I wouldn't have trusted me either. They had no reason to believe in me. It's ok." I managed, but inside, despite every reason that had for doubting me, I was somehow still hurt that they had lost faith in me. Or maybe they never had faith in me to begin with. Nodding promptly, he squeezed my shoulders, pulling me into a hug as I sighed.

"I'm fine. Really." I said softly as everyone talked amongst themselves, most reminiscing to simpler times, back in the Glade. Whether they were truly simpler or not- I guess we'll never know.

"It's not you that they doubt, Lilli. It's the system." Gally said, tucking a stray strand of hair behind my ear. I stared at the ground. Now or never.

"What if I am the system?" I whispered. Gally furrowed his eyebrows together in confusion.

"What?" He asked, almost as if he doubted his own hearing. I couldn't do this. Not without telling him how I truly feel. I couldn't have him hate, and never talk to me again, without getting in one final plea of love. Love. That's what this was. I loved him enough to let him go. I bit my lip.

"Gally, I-" And just as I placed my tongue on the roof of my mouth, the words on the verge of leaving my lips, I once again felt the moment warping time. Only this time, everything sped up. And just as I was about say it, unleash my feelings that I've held for what felt like an eternity of waiting and desperation- the doors at the back of the room burst open, and large men with guns raised flooded into the room. And just like that, serenity gone. Replaced with, chaos.

A/N: Ok guys! The next chapter is gonna be the big finale!!! EEEkkkk!1!1! TYSM for being so suppportive, and incase you are wondering-


I actually plan to add the first chapter of the sequel to the end of this book as a sort of sneak peek for all of you because you've been so kind and supportive! yIPPPE! I already have most of the sequel planned out and part of it is already written, so please comment if you would like me to update the sequel chapter by chapter like I did with this book, or if I should just write the whole thing and then post it all at once! Ok, thanks so much! Are you ready for the finale!?! I am!!! Woop Woop stay tuned! Xx

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