Chapter Twenty-Seven

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I sighed, tapping my foot absentmindedly as Gally got out into the Maze. I had already blocked all but possible route for him, moving the walls slowly. I had already paved a lot of his route, but it would probably take half an hour to get there. I watched as he went, he knew exactly what he was doing. I sighed, watching the solid red dot as it moved through the guided path I was making, biting my lip nervously. He wasn't really in any danger, until the blue dots came. Grievers were marked by the blue dots. I sighed, tapping my fingers on the table in front of my absentmindedly. That's when I noticed a large projector near the front of the room. I don't know how I didn't see it before. Curious, I quickly looked back to the monitor to make sure that Gally was ok, before I walked over towards the projector, making sure that my monitor was still in view. I turned on the projector, only to see that a video was already lined up to play. Curious, I pressed play. That's when Ava came into view.

"Hello, Lillian." My mouth fell open slightly. I was about to speak, when she gave me a sickening sweet smile.

"No, this isn't a live video. It's a recording. But I know it's you watching. You always were the smartest. The smartest subject WICKED has ever seen. But you were always more than just a subject, Lillian. Always. That's why I'm directing this video towards you, and you alone. You already know everything you need to know about the Flare, about the Sun plaguing our Earth with extreme weather conditions. You know that much of the human population has gone extinct, or into hiding. Only the extremely wealthy, government officials, and scientists still live, harm free in large quantities. But as I said, you already know all of this. No, this video is about something else. You've succeeded in your trials, Lillian. You kept your end of the bargain in Group A, well, at least for the most part. And you proved an extremely talented and productive scientist back in Group B. I'm proud of you, Lillian. I always was. I know much of your memories are still blurred, but I need you to understand that I'm not against you. I'm not against any of you. I'm trying to save the world, Lilli." It seemed so odd, it was like she spoke to me like I was family.

"You know, when you were around 8 years old, I let you take your first look at the blueprints for the Mazes, Lillian. And I remember exactly what you said to me. You said: 

"This can save the world, can't it?" And I told you it would. And you just nodded, and said:"Then I'll do everything I can to help."

And you haven't changed, Lillian. You haven't changed a bit. And neither have I, Lillian. I know, right now you may be feeling betrayed, disgusted with yourself for what you've done. But you shouldn't. You should feel proud." I paused the video, still feeling shell shocked by every sickening word that left her lips. I shivered, walking back over towards the monitor as I noticed that Gally had started jogging to cover more ground. I moved a few more walls, making sure that it was still daylight out via the tiny sunlight monitor in the corner. Sighing, I thought over the words that Ava had said to me. Or, rather her recording. You should be proud. The whole thing seemed so appealing, so easy to give in to. I was saving the human race! But I couldn't accept it that easily. Not just like that, at the snap of a finger. I almost wished I did, my life would be so much easier. But there was no way in hell I could go back to the life I had before. I was a prodigy of WICKED, a bright new face to brain wash and develop into their perfect little minion. I was there to carry out their work. Sighing, I shook my head as I got up and pressed play on the video again. It continued from where it let off.

"We all have big plans for you, Lilli. We always did. You see, WICKED was developed to be a long lasting program, and while we've been quite successful, we still have a long way to go. In order to execute everything we've planned, we obviously would require plans for the future. A future that is beyond the horizon of our lifespan, Lillian. Everyone dies, eventually. And knowing this, we made plans for what was to happen when we die. Obviously, head for the departments were required. But more than that, we needed leaders. Leaders, like me Lillian. Me, and you. It was always you, Lillian. The plan was always to get you out alive. You were never in any danger. That's why you were always able to approach the Cranks back in Group B. The were hardwired to leave you alone. Same with the Grievers. Of course, they could injure you, but nothing that couldn't be healed or fixed. The plan was always to keep you safe. You, and Shai. The two of you were always our prodigies. As for Group A- Gally, Minho and Newt were the obvious leaders. Thomas was a later addiction. We actually considered not putting him in the test at all, as he was such a useful asset in the labs, but demanded to be with Newt. So we obliged. The point of me telling you all of this, Lilli, is because I want you to keep this all in mind. The fact that you are essentially a prime heir, if you will, to the entire organization of WICKED. Now, I know that some find our plans, our work...controversial. But you know in your heart what the truth about us is. Don't you, Lillian?" It felt more like a statement than a question. Did I?"i know you'll make me proud. And don't worry, we have people coming for you. You'll be safe soon, Lillian." The video ended, leaving me facing a blackened screen. I bit my lip, walking over back towards the monitor. Did I really know in my heart what to believe? I was raised to believe that WICKED was...well, Good. But were they really? Could I really trust them? After everything they'd done to my friends and I? My thoughts were put on pause, however, when I noticed that the main group of Gladers were wandering off. What? No! They had to stay put, otherwise all of Gally's work to get to them would go in vein! Thinking quickly, I placed my finger delicately on the screen, drawing a circle around the Gladers and tapping the center. Walls instantly started rising around them, and I sped up the time so as to ensure that they stayed together. In all likelihood, they probably thought someone had it in for them, separating them from the proper path, and now trapping them. I didn't want to, but it was the only way to ensure their safety. I noticed Gally getting closer and closer to them, as I continued guiding him with the walls. I checked the daylight monitor, and it was officially sunset. Crap. At least he was running now. It would probably be only a few more minutes before he got to them, I just hoped I wouldn't have to block him from getting their in order to stop a Griever from getting to him. I waited, watching intently as finally made it to the spot where I was holding the Gladers captive. I chuckled slightly to myself as I thought about how strong they all were combined, yet I had the power to hold them all captive at the click of a button. As soon as Gally was only yards away, I didn't waste time opening up one of the walls that lead straight to him. I watched at the Gladers ran towards him, and everything just became a pile of red dots. Either they were joyously reuniting, or they were beating the living daylights out of him. Eventually however, the group separated a bit, and I could tell that Gally had convinced them to go with him. I smiled, watching as he guided them. As I watched, I started thinking over what WICKED had said. In fact, I became so deep in thought...that I almost didn't see the Griever headed right for them.

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